1978 | 1979 |
1980 | 1981 | 1982 |
1983 | 1984 | 1985 |
1986 | 1987 | 1988 |
1989 |
1990 | 1991 | 1992 |
1993 | 1994 | 1995 |
1996 | 1997 | 1998 |
1999 |
2000 | 2001 |
2002 | 2003 | 2004 |
2005 | Submitted, accepted or in press
***** 1978 ***** [ Top ]Banks, P. M., W. T. Huntress, R. D. Hudson, C. A. Reber, C. A. Barth, C. B. Farmer, M. A. Geller, J. C. Gille, J. London, L. R. Megill, J. M. Russell III, R. G. Roble, R. S. Stolarski, and J. W. Waters, "Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite Program", JPL Publication 78-54, July 1978. ***** 1979 ***** [ Top ]Waters, J. W., J. J. Gustincic, R. K. Kakar, H. K. Roscoe, P. N. Swanson, T. G. Phillips, T. DeGraauw, A. R. Kerr, and R. J. Mattauch, "Aircraft search for millimeter wavelength emission by stratospheric ClO", J. Geophys. Res., 84, 6934, 1979. ***** 1980 ***** [ Top ]Brueckner, G. E., "Solar physics in the VUV: The importance of high resolution observations", Appl. Opt., 19, 3994-4001, 1980. Cook, J. W., G. E. Brueckner, and M. E. VanHoosier, "Variability of the solar flux in the far ultraviolet", 1175-2100 A, J. Geophys. Res., 85, 2257-2268, 1980. Waters, J. W., J. J. Gustincic, P. N. Swanson, and A. R. Kerr, "Measurements of upper atmospheric H20 emission at 183 GHz", in `Atmospheric Water Vapor,' Wilkerson and Ruhnke, eds., 229-240, New York: Academic Press, 1980. ***** 1981 ***** [ Top ]Brueckner, G. E., "The variability of the sun's ultraviolet radiation", Adv. Space Res., 1, 101-115, 1981. Cook, J. W., R. R. Meier, G. E. Brueckner, and M. E. VanHoosier, "Latitudinal anisotropy of the solar far ultraviolet flux: Effect on the L sky background", Astron. Astrophys., 97, 394-397, 1981. Pickett, H. M., D. E. Brinza, and E. A. Cohen, "Pressure broadening of ClO by nitrogen", J. Geophys. Res., 86, 7279-7282, 1981. VanHoosier, M. E., J.-D. F. Bartoe, G. E. Brueckner, D. K. Prinz, and J. W. Cook, "A high precision solar ultraviolet spectral irradiance monitor for the wavelength region 120-400 nm", Solar Physics, 74, 521-530, 1981. Waters, J. W., J. C. Hardy, R. F. Jarnot, and H. M. Pickett, "Chlorine monoxide radical, ozone, and hydrogen peroxide: Stratospheric measurements by microwave limb sounding", Science, 214, 61-64, 1981. Willson, R.C., S. Gulkis, M. Janssen, H.S. Hudson, G.A. Chapman, "Observations of Solar Irradiance Variability," Science, 211, pp. 700-702, 1981. ***** 1982 ***** [ Top ]Cook, J. W., G.E. Brueckner, VanHoosier, M. E., Bartoe, J.-D. F., and Prinz, D. K, "Comparison of SURF and D2 Lamp Calibrations Using SUSIM", Proceedings of the Workshop on Intercomparison of Solar UV Irradiance Measurements and Related Instrument Calibration, 1982. Willson, R.C., "Solar irradiance variations and solar activity," J. Geophys. Res., 86, pp. 4319-4326, 1982. ***** 1983 ***** [ Top ]Brueckner, G. E., "Solar radiometry: Spectral irradiance measurements", Adv. Space Res., 2, 177-183, 1983. Rinsland, C. P., D. C. Benner, D. J. Richardson, and R. A. Toth, "Absolute intensity measurements of the (1110)ll <-- 0000 band of 12C16O2 at 5.2um", Appl. 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Rinsland, "Identification and intensities of the `forbidden' 3v32 band of 12C16O2", J. Molec. Spectro., 112, 18-25, 1985. Burr, P.T., and C. A. Reber, "Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite", in `Monitoring Earth's ocean, land, and atmosphere from space-sensors, systems, and applications,' A. Schnapf, ed., Vol. 97, Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, AIAA, 1985. Devi, V. M., C. P. Rinsland, M. A. H. Smith, and D. C. Benner, "Measurements of 12CH4 v4 half widths using a tunable diode laser system and a Fourier transform spectrometer", Appl. Opt., 24, 2788-2791, 1985. Devi, V. M., C. P. Rinsland, M. A. H. Smith, and D. C. Benner, "Tunable diode laser measurements of widths of air- and nitrogen-broadened lines in the v4 band of 13CH4", Appl. Opt., 24, 3321-3322, 1985. Gray, P. F., "Design and performance of the optical system for ISAMS", in `Proceedings of Instrumentation for Optical Remote Sensing from Space,' edited by J. S. Seeley, J. W. Lear, A. Monfils, and S. L. Russak, 589, 89-95, Cannes, France, 27-29 November 1985, published by SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 1985. Massie, S. T., A. Goldman, D. G. Murcray and J. C. Gille, "Approximate absorption cross sections of F12, F11, ClONO2, N2O5, HNO3, CC14, CF4, F21, F113, F114 and HNO4", NCAR/TN-258+STR, September 1985. Massie, S. T., A. Goldman, D. G. Murcray and J. C. Gille, "Approximate absorption cross sections of F12, F11, ClONO2, N2O5, HNO3, CC14, CF4, F21, F113, F114 and HNO4", Appl. Opt., 24, 3426, 1985. Peskett, G. D., "Mesospheric Sounder (ISAMS) on the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS)", in `Proceedings of Instrumentation for Optical Remote Sensing from Space,' edited by J. S. Seeley, J. W. Lear, A. Monfils, and S. L. Russak, 589, 82-88, Cannes, France, 27-29 November 1985, published by SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 1985. Pine, A. S., and A. Fried, "Self-broadening in the fundamental bands of HF and HCl", J. Molec. Spectro., 114, 148-162, 1985. Pine, A. S., A. Fried, and J. W. Elkins, "Spectral intensities in the fundamental bands of HF and HCl", J. Molec. Spectro., 109, 30-45, 1985. Poynter, R. L. and H. M. Pickett, "Submillimeter, millimeter and microwave spectral line catalog", Appl. Opt., 24, 2235-2240, 1985. Reber, C.A., "Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) mission", GSFC, 430-1003-001, May 1985. Rinsland, C. P., D. C. Benner, and V. M. Devi, "Measurements of absolute line intensities in carbon dioxide bands near 5.2 um", Appl. Opt., 24, 1644-1650, 1985. Skinner, W. R., P. B. Hays, and V. J. Abreu, "Wind measurements with the High Resolution Doppler Imager (HRDI)", in `Proceedings of the NASA Symposium on Global Wind Measurements,' edited by W. E. Baker and R. J. Curran, 129-132, A. Deepak Publishing, Hampton, VA, 1985. Werrett, S. T., and Peskett, G. 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Rinsland, D. C. Benner, and M. A. H. Smith, "Tunable diode laser measurements of air- and N2-broadened half widths in the v2 band of D2O", Appl. Opt., 25, 336-338, 1986. Devi, V. M., C. P. Rinsland, D. C. Benner, M. A. H. Smith, and K. B. Thakur, "Absolute intensities and self-, N2-, and air-broadened Lorentz halfwidths for selected lines in the v3 band of 12CH3D from measurements with a tunable diode laser spectrometer", Appl. Opt., 25, 1848-1853, 1986. Sandlin, G., D., J.-D.F. Bartoe, G.E. Brueckner, R. Tousey, and M.E. VanHoosier, "The High Resolution Solar Spectrum 1175-17l0Å" , Ap.J. 61, 801, 1986. Thakura, K. B., C. P. Rinsland, M. A. H. Smith, D. C. Benner, and V. M. Devi, "Absolute line intensity measurements in the v2 bands of HDO and D2O using a tunable diode laser spectrometer", J. Molec. Spectro., 120, 239-245, 1986. Willson, R.C., H.S. Hudson, Frohlich, C., Brusa, R.W.; "Long Term Downward Trend in Total Solar Irradiance," Science, 234, pp. 1114-1117, 1986. ***** 1987 ***** [ Top ]Devi, V. M. D. C. Benner, C. P. Rinsland, M. A. H. Smith, and K. B. Thakur, "Diode-laser measurements of intensities and halfwidths in the v6 nand of 12CH3D", J. Molec. Spectro., 122, 182-189, 1987. Lean, J., R. Saunders and M.E. VanHoosier, "Linearity Studies of UV Photodetectors", Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiometric Calibration of Space Experiments, 18 March 1987, Boulder, CO. Massie, S. T., J. A. Davidson, C. A. Cantrell, A. H. McDaniel, J. C. Gille, V. G. Kunde, J. C. Brasunas, B. J. Conrath, W. C. Maguire, A. Goldman, and M. M. Abbas, "Atmospheric infrared emission of ClONO2 observed by a balloon-borne Fourier spectrometer," J. Geophys. Res., 92, 14806-14814, 1987. Pine, A. S., and J. P. Looney, "N2 and air broadening in the fundamental bands of HF and HCl," J. Molec. Spectro., 122, 41-55, 1987. 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Benner, "Measurements of air-broadened and nitrogen-broadened Lorentz width coefficients and pressure shift coefficients in the v4 and v2 bands of 12CH4," Appl. Opt., 27, 631-651, 1988. Rottman, G. J., and T. N. Woods, In-flight calibration of solar irradiance measurements by direct comparison with stellar observations, SPIE, 924, 136-143, 1988. Smith, M. A. H., C. P. Rinsland, V. M. Devi, D. C. Benner, and K. B. Thakur, "Measurements of air-broadened and nitrogen-broadened half-widths and shifts of ozone lines near 9um," J. Opt. Soc. Am., 5, 585-592, 1988. Taylor, F. W., R. J. Scaddan, and L. Callard, "Improved stratospheric and mesospheric sounder," Opt. Eng., 810, 81-90, 1988. VanHoosier, M., E., "Absolute UV irradiance calibration of the solar UV spectral irradiance monitor(SUSIM) instruments", SPIE Proceedings, 932, 1988. VanHoosier, M., E., J.-D.F. Bartoe, G.E. Brueckner, D. K. 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Donnelly, "Two-parameter model of total solar irradiance variations over the solar cycle", in `The Solar Cycle,' edited by K. Harvey, ASP Conf. Series, 27, 491, 1991. Rinsland, C. P., M. A. H. Smith, V. M. Devi, and D. C. Benner, "Measurements of Lorentz-broadening coefficients and pressure-induced line shift coefficients in the v2 band of D216O", J. Molec. Spectro., 150, 173-183, 1991. Rinsland, C. P., M. A. H. Smith, V. M. Devi, and D. C. Benner, "Measurements of Lorentz-broadening coefficients and pressure-induced line shift coefficients in the v2 band of HD16O", J. Molec. Spectro., 150, 640-646, 1991. Venters, P., "The pressure modulation system in the improved stratospheric and mesospheric sounder", PhD Thesis, Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics, Oxford University, 1991. Waters, J. W., "Submillimeter heterodyne remote sensing of upper atmospheric gases", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 4, 2-6, 1991. Willson, R.C., H.S. 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Rinsland, "Measurements of pressure broadening and pressure shifting by nitrogen in the v1 and v3 bands of H216O", J. Molec. Spectro, 155, 333-342, 1992. Hays, P. B., V. J. Abreu, M. D. Burrage, D. A. Gell, H. J. Grassl, A. R. Marshall, Y. T. Morton, D. A. Ortland, W. R. Skinner, D. L. Wu, and J. H. Yee, "Remote sensing of mesospheric winds with the High Resolution Doppler Imager," Planet. Space Sci., 40, 1599-1606, 1992. Lean, J., A. Skumanich, and O. White, "Estimating the sun's radiative output during the Maunder minimum," Geophys. Res. Lett., 19, 1591-1594, 1992. Lean, J., M. VanHoosier, G. Brueckner, D. Prinz, L. Floyd, and K. Edlow, "SUSIM/UARS observations of the 120 to 300 nm solar maximum irradiance: Inferences for the 11-year cycle", Geophys. Res. Lett., 19, 2203-2206, 1992. London, J., and S. C. Liu, "Long-term tropospheric and lower stratospheric ozone variations from ozone sonde observations," J. Atmos. Terres. Phys., 54, 599-625, 1992. London, J., G. J. Rottman, and T. 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