******************************************************************** UARS WEEKLY STATUS REPORT - 17 DEC 1999 ******************************************************************** *********** SOLSTICE *********** Current tape recorder operations caused us about a 40% loss of our planned experiments this week. Otherwise, SOLSTICE continues to operate normally, collecting solar data on all available orbital tracking periods and stellar calibration observations, whenever possible. *********** SUSIM *********** Nothing receievd. *********** ACRIM *********** Nothing received. *********** PEM *********** The PEM spectrometers continue to be active under PMON control*. While under PMON control, the PEM spectrometers computed energy deposition from electrons and protons measured in-situ by the particle spectrometers. *Beginning of power orbit day (PEM activation): array current >5 amps, array voltage >53.5 volts, and battery current >2.0 amps. End of power orbit day (PEM deactivation): time in power orbit day >4 minutes, array current <9 amps, and battery currents <0.2 amps. Power orbit day variation: ~39-40 min at yaw to ~50-51 min at maximum beta. *********** HALOE *********** Nothing received. *********** MLS *********** Nothing received. *********** HRDI *********** Nothing receievd. *********** WINDII *********** Nothing receievd. *********** MPG *********** Routine processing of instrument Daily Activity Plans continues with no problems. The MPG continues to assist the Project Scientist with the scheduling of instrument operations. The Latest Instrument Operations schedule covers the period 6 January to 15 February 2000. The WINDII instrument team asked if the UARS spacecraft could operate with a roll offset of 0.4 degrees while WINDII is taking data in December. The MPG contacted other instrument teams and the FOT. It was determined that WINDII's request could be met. Roll offset operation was started on 15 December and will end on 23 December. *********** CDHF *********** The CDHF continues to notify all PI Software Representatives when Data Gaps occur in the LEVEL0 data due to the UARS Spacecraft Anomaly. The CDHF processed current day data through level 3 for all active instruments. Additionally, CDHF personnel reprocessed: (R)= Requested (C) = Complete, (F)= Failed (L) = Days remaining to reprocess. 17 days CLA (7.0) PROD (L1-L3) (476R-452C-24F=0L) 21 days GPI (4.05) PROD (CLAES L3B) (397R-377C-3F=17L) 42 days WIN (5.11A) PROD (L1-L3) (520R-144C-6F=370L) Completed the CLAES V7.0 mission reprocessing for a total of 452 days. CLAES PI software representative has been notified. UARS CDHF REHOST: -Reprocessed HALOE V4.82 on the Rehost System. HALOE validated by Pat Purcell in timely manner. Much appreciated. -Reprocessed SUSIM V7.1 on the Rehost System. SUSIM has been notified output files are ready for validation. -Testing Sensor Extraction V5.0 software on the Rehost System. -Testing Observatory Log V3.4 on the Rehost System. -Testing SOLSTICE V4.62 on the Rehost System. -Migration for all data levels of data via 8MM tape has been put on hold to free resources for Production testing and migration and performance evaluation. -Completed the configuration of the NAG (Numerical Algorithms Group) software. -Installed IDL 5.0 on the rehost system in "demo" mode. For cost saving purposes the license is to be transferred to the rehost system once it is officially deemed operational. -Continue to perform reboots of CDHFA/B as scheduled on Wednesdays to check system settings, logicals, etc at startup as changes continue to be required on these systems. DAAC DATA: -DAAC data through September 1999 is available to the User Community for HALOE, PEM, NMC, and UKMO. October 1999 current day DAAC data will be loaded in December 1999. -SUSIM 3BS Version 20 from 1991-10-11 to 1998-08-08 is available at the DAAC. *********** FOT *********** REPORTING PERIOD This report covers 4 December, 1999 (Orbit 44975, GMT Day 338) through 10 December 1999 (Orbit 45079, GMT Day 344). SPACECRAFT OPERATION The observatory is now in Forward Flight (Southern Hemisphere viewing) and is performing nominally under two-battery operations. The instrument operational changes were: INSTRUMENT OPERATIONAL CHANGES Instrument Time Orbit Comment HALOE 339/2339 45004 Off The beta angle ranged between the angles of 21.4 degrees to 6.1 degrees for this report period. The beta angle is now increasing toward a maximum angle of +34.0 degrees on 23 December 1999 (DOY 357). Spacecraft battery 1, 2, and 3 performance monitoring continues. Battery 1 remains OFF the charge relay. Battery 2 and Battery 3 are currently maintaining greater than 23.8 V end-of-night (EON) load bus voltage. Battery temperatures are stable with a temperature delta between Battery 2 and Battery 3 of 1.0 to 1.3 degrees C. Additional battery performance data for each battery on 03 December 1999 and 10 December 1999 are provided in Appendix D. The clock error ranged from -10.9 to 10.9 msec during this report period. Clock rate adjustments are listed in Appendix C. All instrument and subsystem engineers were advised on the initial excursion of ALERTS or Out-Of-Limits conditions detected by the FOT for this report. A summary is listed below and the details of ALERT and Out-Of-Limits occurrences are listed in Appendix B. % OUT-OF-LIMITS = 04 % ALERTS = 00 The following real-time command sheets were executed for the listed operational element(s) during this report period (see Appendix A). % FOT = 02 % HALOE = 01 % HRDI = 01 UARS Anomaly Reports initiated during this report period are listed in Appendix E and summarized below. No Anomaly Reports initiated this report period. Two (2) Anomaly Reports remained OPEN at the end of this report period (see Appendix E). TRANSPONDER FREQUENCIES: % Transponder A: 99/320 - 2287.496800 % Transponder B: 99/334 - 2287.499196 GROUND SYSTEM OPERATION zero (0) operational support problems occurred this period. Anomaly Reports are included in Appendix E. The data loss calculations supplied by Data Capture Facility (DCF) from mission start through UTC Day 99/343 show the observatory data loss to be 272 hours, 51 minutes, 08.537 seconds (an increase of 46 hours 19 minutes 59.584 seconds since the last report period). This is a 0.3790 percent data loss which equals a 99.6210 percent data capture for the mission. The increase of 46 hours 19 minutes 59.584 seconds occurred over seven (7) days: - 06 hours 04 minutes 34.368 seconds on Day 337 due to a S/C TR problem. - 05 hours 28 minutes 58.528 seconds on Day 338 due to a S/C TR problem. - 06 hours 59 minutes 54.560 seconds on Day 339 due to a S/C TR problem. - 07 hours 00 minutes 55.456 seconds on Day 340 due to a S/C TR problem. - 07 hours 45 minutes 15.104 seconds on Day 341 due to a S/C TR problem. - 06 hours 36 minutes 36.928 seconds on Day 342 due to a S/C TR problem. - 06 hours 23 minutes 44.640 seconds on Day 343 due to a S/C TR problem. OTHER SIGNIFICANT EVENTS UARS SATELLITE OPERATIONS We also planned and implemented the HALOE / NBTR-B stored command test. This test involved running NBTR-B out of the stored command load to catch all of HALOE's sunrise and sunset events. This worked well and the real data collection will begin on December 12-15. The FOT gathered all the pertinent information about the tape recorder and sent it up to Camden for review by Tim Ohrman and his group. Their company manufactured these recorders and may have some insight into the problem. The FOT prepared a data package for the folks that are recommending a new trending system for UARS. A new trending system would reduce data processing from hours to minutes or seconds. WINDII sent in a request for a roll offset maneuver of +0.4 degrees for the 15th-23rd. FDF was contacted to see if they could get it into their planning aid in time. They indicated that they could be ready, therefore preparations are in progress for this event. YEAR 2000 OPERABILITY SUPPORT All areas identified to or by the Flight Operations Team for Y2K testing have been completed. There are no other areas identified at this time that have not been Y2K certified. MEETINGS Wednesday, December 8, 1999 (DOY 342) - UARS monthly meeting was held. The NBTR status was discussed along with the resolution activities. Also discussed were the critical science mission requirements. A splinter meeting followed to discuss the future responsibility of the flight software. FUTURE SIGNIFICANT EVENTS No specific date was agreed upon for UARS Safehold configuration discussions. Instead, the Supporting Engineers involved will be contacted every two weeks to determine if either the Flight Operations Team or Supporting Engineers have any new developments that should be discussed in a group. UARS has tested and prepared for the Year 2000 event. Special considerations have been made in preparation for a non nominal 1999 to 2000 transition. The next UARS Yaw slew is scheduled for January 6, 2000. This maneuver will be a Forward to Reverse Flight maneuver (Northern Hemisphere viewing). Attachments: Appendix A, Real-time Commands Sheets Appendix B, Out-Of-Limits & ALERT Occurrences Appendix C, Clock & Solar Array Rate Corrections Appendix D, UARS Battery Performance Data Appendix E, UARS Anomaly Reports APPENDIX A REAL-TIME COMMAND SHEETS Week ending 10 December 1999 ORBIT AOS NO. SUBSYS REASON ----- --- --- ------ ------- 44982 338/1237 99-409 OBC Clk Adj 0.00 to -20.6 msec/day 44996 339/1058 99-410 OBC Clk Adj -20.6 to 0.00 msec/day 45004 339/2339 99-411 HALOE Power OFF 45033 341/2203 99-412 HRDI Additional Microload ____________________________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX B OUT-OF-LIMITS & ALERTS OCCURRENCES Week ending 10 December 1999 The following Out-Of-Limits occurrences were detected: MNEMONIC STATE DESCRIPTION ORBITS --------- ----- ------------ ------ HRPTSPBIMON Y-HI PTS PB Current Monitor 44974-5 HRPSEQBIMON Y-HI PSE QB Current Monitor 44994-5, 45041 HRPTSPBIMON R-LO HRDI Tele Barrel Curr. Mon. 45009 HRPTSPBIMON R-LO HRDI Tele Barrel Curr. Mon. 45024 The following ALERT occurrences were detected: MNEMONIC DESCRIPTION ORBITS --------- ------------ ------ No Alerts to report this report period. ____________________________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX C CLOCK & SOLAR ARRAY RATE CORRECTIONS Week ending 10 December 1999 CLOCK DRIFT RATE ADJUSTMENTS ORBIT TIME CLOCK RATE CHANGE ----- ---- ----------------- 44982 338/12:50 (04 Dec 99) from 0.00 to -20.6 msec/day 44996 339/11:12 (05 Dec 99) from -20.6 to 0.00 msec/day ____________________________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX D UARS BATTERY PERFORMANCE DATA Week ending 10 December 1999 03 Dec 1999 - GMT Day 337 Beta = 21.4 deg, SA Pos = 269 deg DIFF V (mV) TEMP (C) CURR (amp) EON V AVE C/D AVE BAT MAX/MIN MAX/MIN MAX/MIN MIN RATIO DOD(%) --- ---------- ------- -------- ----- ------- ------ 1 -50.4/-72.8 -3.05/-4.62 +0.0/+0.0 16.2 0.000 0.0 2 +56.0/-5.6 +6.44/+5.15 +31.6/-15.2 24.8 1.037 20.0 3 +33.6/-33.6 +5.15/+3.87 +31.2/-16.0 24.5 1.035 19.7 10 Dec 1999 - GMT Day 344 Beta = 6.1 deg, SA Pos = 269 deg DIFF V (mV) TEMP (C) CURR (amp) EON V AVE C/D AVE BAT MAX/MIN MAX/MIN MAX/MIN MIN RATIO DOD(%) --- ---------- ------- --------- ----- ------ ------ 1 -44.8/-72.8 -3.68/-4.62 +0.0/+0.0 16.2 0.000 0.0 2 +16.8/-44.8 +5.15/+3.87 +30.4/-13.2 25.8 1.099 24.8 3 +39.2/-11.2 +3.87/+2.60 +29.6/-13.2 25.8 1.087 24.5 V/T LEVEL CHANGES ORB# TIME LVL FR-TO ----- --- ---------- no changes V/T 5 APPENDIX E UARS ANOMALY REPORTS Week ending 10 December 1999 NEW ANOMALY REPORTS GENERATED AR NO. SUBSYS ORBIT TIME TTR PROBLEM/DATA LOSS ------ ------ ----- ---- --- ----------------- No new reports generated ANOMALY CLOSURE INFORMATION RECEIVED AR NO. SUBSYS ORBIT TIME TTR PROBLEM/DATA LOSS ------ ------ ----- ---- --- ----------------- No anomaly closures generated ANOMALY INVESTIGATION REPORTS GENERATED AR NO. SUBSYS ORBIT TIME TTR PROBLEM/DATA LOSS ------ ------ ----- ---- --- ----------------- No new reports generated OPEN ANOMALY REPORTS AR NO. SUBSYS ORBIT TIME TTR PROBLEM/DATA LOSS ------ ------ ----- ---- --- ----------------- 99-064 FOT 44135 10/8-9/99 N/A HRDI Cal Lamp Errors 99-071 FOT 44398 299/1212 21512 TPF Not Receiving 512 PB SEVNTFW99/50