******************************************************************** UARS WEEKLY STATUS REPORT - 14 NOV 2003 ******************************************************************** *********** SOLSTICE *********** SOLSTICE was under daytime only operations for three days this week in support of the yaw maneuver. This limits but does not eliminate our solar observations as we are powered off during orbit night. We received nearly 52% of each day's data amounting to 370 minutes of solar observing time per day. *********** SUSIM *********** SUSIM was turned off for the yaw-around on Nov. 10. For earlier days, the instrument successfully gathered all of its daily mid (1.1 nm) resolution, weekly offset, and O2 occultation scans during periods of UARS telemetry or periods of onboard tape recording. *********** ACRIM *********** Nothing received. *********** PEM *********** Nothing received. *********** HALOE *********** Nothing received. *********** MLS *********** Nothing received. *********** HRDI *********** Nothing received. *********** WINDII *********** Nothing received. *********** MPG *********** The MPG continues to serve as the point-of-contact for UARS instrument operations in support of the Science Traceability Mission of UARS. Daily processing of instrument Daily Activity Plans continues with no problems. *********** CDHF *********** Nothing received. *********** FOT *********** REPORTING PERIOD This report covers 01 November 2003 (Orbit 66412, GMT Day 305) through 07 November 2003 (Orbit 66517, GMT Day 311). SPACECRAFT OPERATION The observatory is now in Reverse Flight (Northern Hemisphere viewing) and is performing nominally under two-battery operations. The instrument operational changes were: INSTRUMENT OPERATIONAL CHANGES Instrument Time Orbit Comment PEM (Z/H) 310/2312 66502 POWER OFF PEM AXIS 311/0313 66504 POWER OFF HALOE 311/2309 66517 POWER OFF The beta angle ranged between the angles of 41.5 degrees to 14.4 degrees for this report period. The beta angle is now decreasing towards a minimum angle of 0 degrees on 11 November 2003 (DOY 315). Spacecraft battery 1, 2, and 3 performance monitoring continues. Battery 1 remains OFF the charge relay. Battery 2 and Battery 3 are currently maintaining greater than 23.6 V end-of-night (EON) load bus voltage. Battery temperatures are stable with a temperature delta between Battery 2 and Battery 3 of 0.95 to 0.97 degrees C. Additional battery performance data for each battery on 31 October and 07 November 2003 are provided in Appendix D. The clock error ranged from -10.3 to 0.4 msec during this report period. Clock rate adjustments are listed in Appendix C. All instrument and subsystem engineers were advised on the initial excursion of ALERTS or Out-Of-Limits conditions detected by the FOT for this report. A summary is listed below and the details of ALERT and Out-Of-Limits occurrences are listed in Appendix B. OUT-OF-LIMITS = 00 ALERTS = 00 The following real-time command sheets were executed for the listed operational element(s) during this report period (see Appendix A). FOT = 00 SUSIM = 00 SOLSTICE = 00 PEM = 02 HALOE = 01 HRDI = 00 UARS Anomaly Reports initiated during this report period are listed in Appendix E and summarized below. FOT = 00 Zero (0) Anomaly Reports remained OPEN at the end of this report period (see Appendix E). GROUND SYSTEM OPERATION Zero (0) operational support problems occurred this period. Anomaly Reports are included in Appendix E. The data loss calculations are no longer being supplied by Data Capture Facility (DCF). OTHER SIGNIFICANT EVENTS UARS SATELLITE OPERATIONS The official release of the new Eclipse software was received on 04 November 2003. The FOT checked all new modifications made to the software and all changes made are working properly. The FOT also performed some regression testing to make sure existing functionality had not changed and the testing was successful. Only a few database changes were requested to modify the state text of a few 3 TDRS pertinent mnemonics. These changes will be delivered and tested next week. The CMS software was tested this week and the ephemeris generation process is now working properly. Several tests were performed and all executed as planned. Acceptance testing continued after this problem was resolved and a new issue with the CMS pollers was found on CMS-B. This will most likely require some more code changes and will hopefully be resolved early next week. In parallel, the FOT is also working with the FSW group to review and test the new flight software uplink procedure. Testing has gone well so far and should be completed by next week, so that the end-to-end testing can begin. MEETINGS The FOT attended the UARS Monthly Status review on 04 November 2003. The FOT also attended an Eclipse PSR meeting on 04 November 2003 to review the status of all the changes made in the latest build (2.0.4) of the software. Also the FOT attended a 3 TDRS transition meeting on 06 November 2003 in order to hash out the details of how best to move from 2 TDRS systems to 3 TDRS systems with the least amount of operational downtime. Also discussed were methods to go back to 2 TDRS systems in the event of an unforeseen problem with the 3 TDRS patch. FUTURE SIGNIFICANT EVENTS The next UARS Yaw slew is scheduled for 11 November 2003 (DOY 315). This maneuver will be a Reverse to Forward Flight maneuver (Southern Hemisphere viewing). Attachments: Appendix A, Real-time Command Sheets Appendix B, Out-Of-Limits & ALERT Occurrences Appendix C, Clock & Solar Array Rate Corrections Appendix D, UARS Battery Performance Data Appendix E, UARS Anomaly Reports APPENDIX A REAL-TIME COMMAND SHEETS Week ending 07 November 2003 ORBIT AOS NO. SUBSYS REASON ----- --- --- ------ ------ 66502 310/2312 03-290 PEM (Z/H) POWER OFF 66504 311/0313 03-291 PEM AXIS POWER OFF 66517 311/2309 03-292 HALOE POWER OFF APPENDIX B OUT-OF-LIMITS & ALERTS OCCURRENCES Week ending 07 November 2003 The following Out-Of-Limits occurrences were detected: MNEMONIC STATE DESCRIPTION ORBITS -------- ----- ----------- ------ -None this report period. The following ALERT occurrences were detected: MNEMONIC DESCRIPTION ORBITS -------- ----------- ------ -None this report period. APPENDIX C CLOCK & SOLAR ARRAY RATE CORRECTIONS Week ending 07 November 2003 CLOCK DRIFT RATE ADJUSTMENTS ORBIT TIME CLOCK RATE CHANGE ----- ----- ----------------- -None this report period APPENDIX D UARS BATTERY PERFORMANCE DATA Week ending 07 November 2003 31 October 2003 - GMT Day 304 Beta = 42.7 deg, SA Pos = 269 deg DIFF V (mV) TEMP (C) CURR (amp) EON V AVE C/D AVE BAT MAX/MIN MAX/MIN MAX/MIN MIN RATIO DOD(%) --- ------- -------- ---------- ----- ------- ------ 1 -700.0/-700.0 -3.05/-4.63 +00.0/+00.0 07.2 0.000 0.0 2 +11.2/-50.4 +5.79/+4.50 +26.4/-15.2 24.6 1.050 20.5 3 +16.8/-67.2 +4.50/+3.23 +25.6/-15.2 24.5 1.040 20.0 07 November 2003 - GMT Day 311 Beta = 14.4 deg, SA Pos = 269 deg DIFF V (mV) TEMP (C) CURR (amp) EON V AVE C/D AVE BAT MAX/MIN MAX/MIN MAX/MIN MIN RATIO DOD(%) --- ------- -------- ---------- ----- ------- ------ 1 -700.0/-700.0 -3.05/-4.63 +00.0/+00.0 07.2 0.000 0.0 2 +16.8/-78.4 +5.79/+4.82 +28.8/-14.4 24.2 1.020 21.2 3 +16.8/-100.8 +4.82/+3.87 +28.0/-14.4 24.0 1.020 21.0 V/T LEVEL CHANGES ORB# AOS TIME LVL FR-TO ----- -------- --------- None this report period APPENDIX E UARS ANOMALY REPORTS Week ending 07 November 2003 NEW ANOMALY REPORTS GENERATED AR NO. SUBSYS ORBIT TIME CDS PROBLEM/DATA LOSS ------ ------ ----- ---- --- ----------------- -None this report period. ANOMALY CLOSURE INFORMATION RECEIVED AR NO. SUBSYS ORBIT TIME CDS PROBLEM/DATA LOSS ------ ------ ----- ---- --- ----------------- 03-050 FOT See List Oct 03 30832 Generic Late Acquisition ANOMALY INVESTIGATION REPORTS GENERATED AIR NO. SUBSYS ORBIT TIME CDS PROBLEM/DATA LOSS ------ ------ ----- ---- --- ----------------- -None this report period. OPEN ANOMALY REPORTS AR NO. SUBSYS ORBIT TIME CDS PROBLEM/DATA LOSS ------ ------ ----- ---- --- ----------------- -None this report period.