UARS Weekly Status Report

29 September 2000


                UARS WEEKLY STATUS REPORT - 29 SEP 2000



SOLSTICE is in good health, collecting solar data on all available orbital
tracking periods and stellar calibration observations whenever possible.
Our solar data is not affected by the larger than normal pointing errors
since they are within our calibrations.

Additionally, we continue to gather enough data to meet all the SOLSTICE
science objectives during this period of reduced tape recorder operations.
Level2 processing is halted due to bugs in the OA_SSPP_ATT service. CDHF
and CSC personnel are working on the problem.


SUSIM continues to gather a normal set of daily solar scans scheduled
for predicted periods of UARS telemetry.


ACRIM II data continue to be acquired on every possible opportunity. Data 
quality looks good. Re-processing continues. Additional sensor comparisons 
have been found that will enhance the precision of the long-term total 
solar irradiance record.

Instrument appears to be in nominal operating condition. Instrument was 
brought up in wrong shutter mode (mode 2) following last power-down because 
of the use of an older start-up routine. That was shortly corrected to our 
current monitoring modality (mode 1) through direct interaction between 
ACRIM II personnel and the FOT.


Nothing received.


Nothing received.


Nothing received.


Nothing received.


WINDII is next scheduled to operate October 7 - 16. The Canadian
team members are leaving for a Joint Canada/France WINDII meeting
in Grasse, France, October 3-5, 2000.


The operations schedule for UARS instruments during the yaw
period from 22 October to 1 December was prepared and

Processing of instrument Daily Activity Plans continues with no
problems. We are continuing to coordinate with the Flight
Operations Team and to assist the Project Scientist in the
scheduling of instrument operations.


   -  Data created in the month of July 2000 for HALOE, NMC, and UKMO has been
      loaded into the DAAC Transfer Tables.  DAAC has been notified.
   -  Waiting response from DAAC if MLS VERSION 5, UARS DAYS 118 - 121 that
      reside in the DAAC Tables meet DAAC criteria.  If so, the rest of
      Version 5 will need transferred to the DAAC Tables and appropriate fields
   -  WINDII PI Software Representative has requested VERSION 11 be sent to the
      DAAC from start of mission to 31-Aug-1997.  WINDII has been notified to
      update the QUALITY fields which are currently blank.  The UARS_QUALITY
      field is a DAAC requirement.     
   -  Successful processing on Rehost System:
       Attitude Extraction, Observatory Log, Sensor Extraction, HALOE, HRDI,
       MLS, SUSIM, Solstice, WINDII and GPI.
       Need Positive Response from all PI End Users prior to transition.  
   -  SUSIM v7.2 software representative Ed Esfandiari notified parallel
      testing completed.  SUSIM responded with concerns regarding the output
      product which is being investigated.
   -  HRDI v4.4 software representative Mr. Jim Raines was notified parallel
      testing completed.  HRDI responded and is still in process of validating
      the output product.
   -  SOLSTICE v4.62 software representative PI Barry Knapp has successfully
      validated the parallel testing output. 
   -  HALOE v4.82 software representative Mr. Lance Deaver was notified the
      parallel test days completed.  HALOE responded and requested more time
      to validate output product (possibly end of week).
   -  WINDII V5.11A software representative Mr. Brian Solheim requested parallel
      processing on test days. The parallel processing is in progress. 
   -  Gridding Software (GPI) V4.05. PC has successfully tested GPI against the
      HRDI Level 3AL data.  GPI Software Representative will need to validate
      the output product.       
   -  PEM  Jobs 1, 2 will be excuted on Alpha on current system, then Rehost.
      Alpha compliant JOBS 3, 4, 5  will be received with PEM patch delivery. 

                               REPORTING PERIOD

This report covers 16 September 2000 (Orbit 49277, GMT Day 260) through 22 
September 2000 (Orbit 49380, GMT Day 266).
                             SPACECRAFT OPERATION

The observatory is now in Forward Flight (Southern Hemisphere viewing) and is 
performing nominally under two-battery operations.  The instrument operational 
changes were:


          Instrument     Time       Orbit       Comment
          ACRIM        260-1519     49286       Off
          SUSIM        260-1519     49286       Off
          SUSIM        263/1147     49328       On
          ACRIM        263/1732     49332       On
          PEM          264/2030     49349       AXIS On
          HALOE        266/2256     49380       On

A Reverse-to-Forward Yaw Around maneuver (number 92) was successfully executed 
in Orbit 49299 beginning 261/13:23:55 and completing at 261/14:01:05 on 17 
September 2000.  The SOLSTICE instrument was in day only and all other 
intruments were in their off or standby mode (including HRDI and PEM).  Due to 
the SA position at 269 degrees, the effective night length of the spacecraft 
after the maneuver was approximately 53.68 minutes.  Post maneuver analysis of 
data indicate that during the Yaw Around, the end-of-night load bus voltage was 
24.92 volts and the average depths of discharge (DODs) on Batteries 2 and 3 
were approximately 21.50 and 20.90 percent respectively.  The next (forward-to-
reverse) YAW is scheduled for 23 October 2000 (DOY 297).

The beta angle ranged between the angles of 6.6 degrees to 17.2 degrees for 
this report period.  The beta angle is now increasing toward a maximum  angle 
of +52 degrees on 06 October 2000 (DOY 280).

Spacecraft battery 1, 2, and 3 performance monitoring continues.  Battery 1 
remains OFF the charge relay.  Battery 2 and Battery 3 are currently 
maintaining greater than 23.8 V end-of-night (EON) load bus voltage.  Battery 
temperatures are stable with a temperature delta between Battery 2 and Battery 
3 of 1.0 to 1.6 degrees C.  Additional battery performance data for each 
battery on 16 September 2000 and 22 September 2000 are provided in Appendix D.

The clock error ranged from -12.4 to 11.5 msec during this report period.  
Clock rate adjustments are listed in Appendix C.

All instrument and subsystem engineers were advised on the initial excursion of 
ALERTS or Out-Of-Limits conditions detected by the FOT for this report.  A 
summary is listed below and the details of ALERT and Out-Of-Limits occurrences 
are listed in Appendix B.

¥     OUT-OF-LIMITS  =  00
¥     ALERTS         =  00

The following real-time command sheets were executed for the listed operational 
element(s) during this report period (see Appendix A).

¥     FOT            =  21
¥     SUSIM          =  02
¥     ACRIM          =  02
¥     HALOE          =  01
¥     PEM            =  01

UARS Anomaly Reports initiated during this report period are listed in Appendix 
E and summarized below.

¥     FOT            =  01

Three (3) Anomaly Reports remained OPEN at the end of this report period (see 
Appendix E).

· Transponder A:  00/221  -  2287.496937
· Transponder B:  00/244  -  2287.499127

                        GROUND SYSTEM OPERATION

One (1) operational support problem occurred this period.  Anomaly Reports are 
included in Appendix E.

The data loss calculations supplied by Data Capture Facility (DCF) from mission 
start through UTC Day 00/265 show the observatory data loss to be 298 hours, 24 
minutes, 10.017 seconds (an increase of 7 minutes 53.320 seconds since the last 
report period).  This is a 0.39 percent data loss which equals a 99.61 percent 
data capture for the mission.

The increase of 7 minutes 53.320 seconds occurred over six (6) days:

· 3 minutes 30.752 seconds on Day 253 due to an early LOS,
· 1 minute 5.304 seconds on Day 254 due to data hits,
· 2 minutes 1.376 seconds on Day 255 due to a late acquistion,
· 0 minutes 10.944 seconds on Day 256 due to a data hit,
· 0 minutes 52.960 seconds on Day 257 due to data hits,
· 0 minutes 11.984 seconds on Day 257 due to data hits.

                           OTHER SIGNIFICANT EVENTS

                           UARS SATELLITE OPERATIONS

The FOT has now begun to operate the FHST-1 every other day.  This was changed 
from daily operations due to the accelerated degredation of the tracker.  Scale 
factor calibrations are being provided on a regular basis from FDF and are 
being uplinked when received.  The FOT continues to work on establishing 
another viable attitude control solution should the tracker fail.


The FOT attended a meeting to discuss FHST-1 on 19, 20 and 22 September 2000.

                         FUTURE SIGNIFICANT EVENTS

The next UARS Yaw slew is scheduled for October 23, 2000 (DOY 297).  This 
maneuver will be a Forward to Reverse Flight maneuver (Northern Hemisphere 

Attachments:  Appendix A,  Real-time Commands Sheets
              Appendix B,  Out-Of-Limits & ALERT Occurrences
              Appendix C,  Clock & Solar Array Rate Corrections
              Appendix D,  UARS Battery Performance Data
              Appendix E,  UARS Anomaly Reports

                                APPENDIX A
                        REAL-TIME COMMAND SHEETS
                        Week ending 22 Sept 2000

ORBIT     AOS          NO.      SUBSYS    REASON
-----     ---          ---      ------    -------
49286     260/1519     00-487   ACRIM     Power OFF
49286     260/1519     00-488   SUSIM     Power OFF
49286     260/1559     00-422   MACS      ST-1 ON
49298     261/1200     00-489   FHST-1    Power ON
49299     261/1242     00-490   MACS      YAW MANUEVER
49301     261/1653     00-489   FHST-F1   Power OFF
49317     262/1657     00-491   OBC       GENASCII/TAM
49319     262/2027     00-492   MACS      FHST-1
49319     262/2104     00-493   OBC       GENASCII/TAM
49328     263/1147     00-495   SUSIM     Power ON
49331     263/1550     00-422   MACS      ST-1 ON
49331     263/1550     00-494   OBC       Clk Adj fr 0.00 to -20.6 msec/day
49332     263/1732     00-496   ACRIM     Power ON
49333     263/1847     00-497   MACS      ST-2 ON/OFF
49334     263/2029     00-422   MACS      ST-1 OFF
49347     264/1738     00-498   OBC       Clk Adj -20.6 to 0.00 msec/day
49349     264/2030     00-499   PEM       AXIS I & II Power ON
49360     265/1518     00-501   MACS      ST-1 ON
49360     265/1518     00-502   MACS      UFLTR
49361     265/1553     00-503   MACS      UFLTR
49362     265/1707     00-504   MACS      ST-1 CAL
49362     265/1741     00-422   MACS      ST-1 OFF
49364     265/2112     00-505   OBC       Clk Adj fr 0.00 to 20.6 msec/day
49378     266/1853     00-506   NBTR      NOOPS D267
49378     266/1853     00-507   FHST1     SCALE FACTOR UPDATE
49379     266/2033     00-508   OBC       Clk Adj fr 20.6 to 0.00 msec/day
49380     266/2256     00-509   HALOE     Power ON

                               APPENDIX B
                        Week ending 22 Sept 2000

The following Out-Of-Limits occurrences were detected:

---------      -----            ------------       ------
              -None this report period

The following ALERT occurrences were detected:

MNEMONIC      DESCRIPTION                         ORBITS
---------     ------------                        ------
              -None this report period


                                 APPENDIX C
                           Week ending 22 Sept 2000

                        CLOCK DRIFT RATE ADJUSTMENTS

ORBIT         TIME                         CLOCK RATE CHANGE
-----         ----                         -----------------
49331         263/1550 (19 September)      from 0.00 to -20.6 msec/day
49347         264/1744 (20 September)      from -20.6 to 0.00 msec/day 
49364         265/2115 (21 September)      from 0.00 to 20.6 msec/day
49379         266/2054 (22 September)      from 20.6 to 0.00 msec/day

                                 APPENDIX D
                        Week ending 22 Sept 2000

     15 Sept 2000 - GMT Day 259 Beta = 11.5 deg, SA Pos = 269 deg

     DIFF V (mV)    TEMP (C)     CURR (amp)   EON V   AVE C/D   AVE
BAT  MAX/MIN        MAX/MIN      MAX/MIN      MIN     RATIO     DOD(%)
---  ----------     ---------    ----------   ------  -------   ------
1   +728.0/+728.0   -3.05/-4.31  +0.0/+0.0    14.4    0.000     0.0
2   +44.8/-11.2     +5.15/+3.87  +26.0/-15.2  25.0    1.040     19.8
3   +22.4/-33.6     +4.19/+2.92  +25.6/-15.2  25.0    1.038     19.7

     22 Aug 2000 - GMT Day 266 Beta = 17.2 deg, SA Pos = 269 deg

     DIFF V (mV)    TEMP (C)     CURR (amp)   EON V   AVE C/D   AVE
BAT  MAX/MIN        MAX/MIN      MAX/MIN      MIN     RATIO     DOD(%)
---  ----------     ---------    ----------   ------  -------   ------
1   +728.0/+728.0   -3.68/-4.62  +0.0/+0.0    14.4    0.000     0.0
2   +22.4/-5.6     +4.51/+3.55   +29.2/-14.4  26.2    1.030     19.7
3   +22.4/-22.4    +3.87/+2.60   +28.4/-13.6  24.3    1.020     19.3

           V/T LEVEL CHANGES
ORB#       TIME            LVL FR-TO
-----      ----------      ----------
           no changes      V/T 5

                               APPENDIX E
                          UARS ANOMALY REPORTS
                        Week ending 22 Sept 2000

------     ------     -----     ----        ---     -----------------
00-041     FOT        49310     262/0643    14170   Generic Late Acq.

------     ------     -----     ----       ---      -----------------
           -None this report period

------     ------     -----     ----      ---       -----------------
            -None this report period

                        OPEN ANOMALY REPORTS
------     ------     -----     ----       ---      -----------------
00-041     FOT       see list   Sept 00    14170    Generic Late Acq.
00-040     FOT       48854      231/2111   22831    Data Dropout
00-032     FHST      48211      188/2242   N/A      FHST 2 Anomaly
