UARS Weekly Status Report

2 September 2005


                UARS WEEKLY STATUS REPORT - 02 SEP 2005



Nothing received.


Nothing received.


     HEPSA data files are version 2.  Currently, HEPSA data between 1991274 
and 2004273 has been reprocessed and archived at the GSFC DAAC.  HEPSA data 
between 2004274 and 2005099 has been processed and is waiting for archival
at the DAAC.

     MEPS data files are version 1.  Processed MEPS data files at the DAAC 
archive are between 1991274 and 2004259.  MEPS data between 2004260 and
2005099 has been processed and is waiting for DAAC archival.  

     HEPSB data files are version 1.  HEPSB data files between 1991274 and
1991366 have been processed and are waiting for DAAC archival.

     Processing of all PEM DAAC data files has been suspended until the
DAAC catches up with archiving all processed data files.  PEM data from 
1991272 through 2005169 are available from SwRI.  Users of SDDAS have this
data currently available.  Please update your meta data to reflect the
current PEM data holdings.

     Tests of the AXIS1 data file formats have been successful.  The AXIS1
format design has been coded.  A test file has been generated.  A check 
program with processing scripts have also been generated.  Example binary 
read program is now under development and will be tested on the generated
example binary data file.

     PEM continues to receive NMC data files from NOAA.  No problems have 
been encountered since updates have occurred.

     The PEM data from the GUVI conjunction periods may be found at  The additional electron data for 
the October and November storms of 2003 has been moved and is now located at  For those users of 
SDDAS, update your UARS Meta data and these data times will appear
with full functionality.  Proton data from these storms are now located at

     Requests have been received for storm spectral data.  Overview plots were 
produced and these plots may be found on the web at
for the storms of October 29 of 1991, November 8-9 of 1991, April 6-7 of 2000, 
March 31 - April 1 of 2001, April 11-12 of 2001, November 6-7 of 2001, and 
November 11-12 of 2001.

     PEM has received a request for data from the super storm of November
2004.  The Dst value showed sudden commencement early on November 7, 2004
reaching a Dst value of about -380 gamma early on November 8, 2004.
PEM was not active at that time and became active late on November 8, 2004
in day only mode.  A second peak of about -280 gamma was observed on November 
11, 2004.  PEM became active in day-light only mode late on November 8.  PEM
survey spectrograms for November 8-18 of 2004 may be found at:

*Beginning of power orbit day (PEM activation): array current >5 amps, array 
     voltage >53.5 volts, and battery current >2.0 amps.  
 End of power orbit day (PEM deactivation): time in power orbit day >4 minutes,
     array current <9 amps, and battery currents <0.2 amps.
 Power orbit day variation: ~39-40 min at yaw to ~50-51 min at maximum beta.


Nothing received.


Nothing received.


Nothing received.


The MPG continues to serve as the point-of-contact for UARS
instrument operations in support of the Science Traceability
Mission of UARS.

Daily processing of instrument Daily Activity Plans continues
with no problems.


Nothing received.

                           REPORTING PERIOD

This  report covers 20 August 2005 (Orbit 76309, GMT Day 232)  through
26 August 2005 (Orbit 76414, GMT Day 238).

                         SPACECRAFT OPERATION

The observatory is now in Forward Flight (Southern Hemisphere viewing)
and   is  performing  nominally  under  two-battery  operations.   The
instrument operational changes were:


       Instrument    Time          Orbit     Comment
       PEM           234/0127      76340     OFF TO DAY ONLY
       SOLSTICE      234/0127      76340     OFF TO DAY ONLY
       HALOE         234/0127      76340     POWER OFF
       PEM           235/1505      76364     DAY ONLY TO OFF
       SOLSTICE      235/1505      76364     DAY ONLY TO OFF
       HALOE         236/1835      76381     POWER ON
       HALOE         237/2339      76399     POWER OFF

The beta angle ranged between the angles of 38.7 degrees to 62.1
degrees for this report period.  The beta angle is now increasing
towards a maximum angle of 66 degrees on 29 August 2005 (DOY 242).

Spacecraft battery 1, 2, and 3 performance monitoring continues.
Battery 1 remains OFF the charge relay.  Battery 2 and Battery 3 are
currently maintaining greater than 23.6 V end-of-night (EON) load bus
voltage.  Battery temperatures are stable with a temperature delta
between Battery 2 and Battery 3 of 3.87 to 1.27 degrees C.  Additional
battery performance data for each battery on 19 August 2005 and 26
August 2005 are provided in Appendix D.

The clock error ranged from 10.0 to -12.1 msec during this report
period.  Clock rate adjustments are listed in Appendix C.

All instrument and subsystem engineers were advised on the initial
excursion of ALERTS or Out-Of-Limits conditions detected by the FOT
for this report.  A summary is listed below and the details of ALERT
and Out-Of-Limits occurrences are listed in Appendix B.

    OUT-OF-LIMITS  =    00
    ALERTS         =    00

The following real-time command sheets were executed for the listed
operational element(s) during this report period (see Appendix A).

    FOT       =    13
    PEM       =    02
    SOLSTICE  =    02
    HALOE     =    04

UARS Anomaly Reports initiated during this report period are listed in
Appendix E and summarized below.

    FOT       =    02

Two (2) Anomaly Reports remained OPEN at the end of this report period
(see Appendix E).

                        GROUND SYSTEM OPERATION

Two (2) operational support problems occurred this period.  Anomaly
Reports are included in Appendix E.

The data loss calculations are no longer being supplied by Data
Capture Facility (DCF).

                       OTHER SIGNIFICANT EVENTS

                       UARS SATELLITE OPERATIONS

On 21 August 2005 during the break between 233/2247-2307 and 233/2347-
2359 UARS lost a cell on battery 2.  The online crew noticed a red
alarm indicating that the differential voltage on battery 2 was at
-700mV, the previous orbit it was at -184.8mV.  It was also noticed
that the C/D ratio on battery 2 had gone from a previous orbit value
of 1.04 to 1.16, at the same time the ratio on battery 3 had gone from
1.02 to 0.99.  Also, battery 2 temperatures had increased dramatically
from 8.50 C to 16.56 C.  All signs indicated a shorted cell on battery

Immediate action was taken by the FOT to keep battery 2 from being
overcharged, and try to prevent any other cells from possibly failing.
In order to achieve this, the HALOE instrument was turned off, PEM was
commanded to day only, SOLSTICE was commanded to day-only, and the VT
level was changed, with approval from NASA power branch, from L5 to L4
at 234/0106Z, during spacecraft day.  VT Levels were dropped again
from L4 to L3 at 234/0319Z.  This was done because the change to L4
did not keep battery 2 from reaching a very high C/D ratio of 1.36.
It was decided that in order to reduce the high C/D ratio on battery
and fully charge battery 3, that battery 2 would have to be taken off
charge relay once it reaches Full Charge plus 1 minute.  Battery 3
would remain on the charge relay and take as much as it needs to
achieve power balance.  This means that for the first several minutes
of spacecraft night battery 3 would be providing all of the power to
the bus until battery 2 is brought back on relay.  Battery 2 is placed
back on the relay after about 4 minutes into spacecraft night.

Two TMON's were created to take the proper action as needed.  TMON 45
and TMON 46 were confiscated for the task since they were disabled and
no longer in use.  TMON 45 is used to take battery 2 off charge relay
once it reaches full charge + 1 minute.  TMON 46 puts battery 2 back
on relay 4 minutes after spacecraft power night is seen.  The new
TMON's were tested against the UARS UTTS simulator and verified to
work as expected.  Then with the Mission Directors' approval they were
loaded to the spacecraft and enabled on the 234/0642Z contact.

The charge level was left at VT-3 to ensure that battery 2 was not
being over charged.  While in VT-3 battery 2 temperatures slowly
decreased from its high of 16.56 C.  The VT charge level was increased
to VT-4 on the 234/1409Z contact because battery 3 was not returning
to 100% state of charge under the TMON controlled charging scheme.
Minor tweaks to the timings in TMON 45 and 46 have been made as we get
a better understanding of how the batteries are operating in this new
charging mode.  One last change to the charging level, to VT-5, was
made on 235/1725Z contact.


The loss of a cell on battery 2 was a trigger point to begin UARS End
Of Mission activities.  Since a kickoff meeting for de-boost
activities was scheduled for 22-August 2005, End of Mission activities
and planning was added to the agenda.  An idea to try to implement a 4-
thruster translation mode was discussed and given approval to go ahead
and attempt to implement.  FDF and the FOT agreed that this mode of
operations, if successful, could significantly reduce the number of
burns needed to lower UARS.

The FOT also attended a follow on Technical Working Group meeting on
25 August 2005.  During this meeting a high level schedule for when
calibration burns and orbit lowering burns are to be done was agreed
to.  FDF presented that UARS would need no more than 6 burns of 15-20
minutes to empty the remaining fuel onboard and lower perigee to ~
315KM.  In the resulting elliptical orbit UARS would re-enter
uncontrolled on its own between 3 to 3 « years.

                       FUTURE SIGNIFICANT EVENTS

The next UARS Yaw slew is scheduled for 17 September 2005 (DOY 260).
This maneuver will be a Forward to Reverse Flight maneuver (Northern
Hemisphere viewing).

A patch to the OBC to allow for 4-thruster mode is planned for 30
August 2005.  A 4-thruster calibration burn of 2-3 seconds in length
is scheduled for 01 September 2005.

Attachments:   Appendix A,      Real-time Command Sheets
               Appendix B,      Out-Of-Limits   &   ALERT  Occurrences
               Appendix C,      Clock &  Solar  Array  Rate  Corrections
               Appendix D,      UARS Battery Performance Data
               Appendix E,      UARS Anomaly Reports

                              APPENDIX A
                       REAL-TIME COMMAND SHEETS
                      Week ending 26 August 2005

ORBIT   AOS        NO.      SUBSYS      REASON
-----   ---        ---      ------      ------
76310   232/0133   05-270   OBC/CLK     CLK ADJ FR 20.6 TO 0.0 MSEC/DAY
76340   234/0050   05-271   MPS         VT LVL 4
76340   234/0127   05-273   PEM & SOLS  PEM & SOLSTICE TO DAY ONLY
76340   234/0127   05-272   HALOE       HALOE OFF
76342   234/0319   05-275   OBC         DUMP TABLES 29 & 30
76342   234/0319   05-274   MPS         VT LVL 3
76344   234/0642   05-276   OBC/TMON    LOAD TABLES 45 & 46
76348   234/1409   05-276   OBC/MPS     ENA TMON 45,46 RPT, VT LVL 4
76349   234/1545   05-277   OBC/TMON    DISA TMON 45,46 RPT
76364   235/1505   05-278   PEM/SOLS    PEM/SOLS DAY ONLY TO OFF
76365   235/1721   05-279   MPS         VT LEVEL 4 TO 5
76380   236/1650   05-280   OBC         RELOAD TMON 45,46
76381   236/1835   05-281   HALOE       HALOE ON (PT 1)
76383   236/2055   05-282   OBC/CLK     CLK ADJ FR 0.0 TO 20.6 MSEC/DAY
76384   236/2237   05-283   HALOE       POWER ON
76398   237/2200   05-284   OBC/MAGMOD  UPDATE FSW MAGMOD OFFSET
76399   237/2339   05-285   HALOE       POWER OFF
76410   238/1645   05-286   OBC/MPS     TMON 45 UPDATE
76411   238/1717   05-287   OBC/CLK     CLK ADJ FR 20.6 TO 0.0 MSEC/DAY

                              APPENDIX B
                      Week ending 26 August 2005

The following Out-Of-Limits occurrences were detected:

--------       -----   -----------                ------
-None this report period.

The following ALERT occurrences were detected:

MNEMONIC     DESCRIPTION                          ORBITS
--------     -----------                          ------
-None this report period.

                              APPENDIX C
                      Week ending 26 August 2005


ORBIT          TIME                   CLOCK RATE CHANGE
-----          -----                  -----------------
76310          232/0140               CLK ADJ FR 20.6 TO 0.0 MSEC/DAY
76383          236/2059               CLK ADJ FR 0.0 TO 20.6 MSEC/DAY
76411          238/1730               CLK ADJ FR 20.6 TO 0.0 MSEC/DAY

                              APPENDIX D
                      Week ending 26 August 2005

     19 August 2005 - GMT Day 231 Beta = 38.4 deg, SA Pos = 269 deg

     DIFF V (mV)    TEMP (C)      CURR (amp)  EON V    AVE C/D  AVE
BAT  MAX/MIN        MAX/MIN       MAX/MIN     MIN      RATIO    DOD(%)
---  -------        --------      ----------  -----    -------  ------
1    728.0/ 728.0   -2.42/ -3.68 +00.0/+00.0  04.6     0.00      0.0
2    -50.4/-347.2  +14.55/ +9.06 +31.6/-19.6  25.1     1.07     22.2
3     33.6/-700.0   +4.82/+ 3.23 +19.2/-12.0  25.0     1.04     13.0

     26 August 2005 - GMT Day 238 Beta = 62.1 deg, SA Pos = 269 deg

     DIFF V (mV)    TEMP (C)      CURR (amp)  EON V    AVE C/D  AVE
BAT  MAX/MIN        MAX/MIN       MAX/MIN     MIN      RATIO    DOD(%)
---  -------        --------      ----------  -----    -------  ------
1    728.0/ 728.0  -3.68/ -4.63  +00.0/+00.0  04.6     0.00      0.0
2   -700.0/-700.0  +7.74/ +3.87  +22.0/-17.6  25.8     1.09     11.8
3    196.0/-700.0  +3.87/ +2.60  +19.2/-20.8  25.6     1.03     16.3

ORB#           AOS TIME   LVL FR-TO
-----          --------   ---------
76340          234/0050   LV5 -> LV4
76342          234/0319   LV4 -> LV3
76348          234/1409   LV3 -> LV4
76365          235/1721   LV4 -> LV5

                              APPENDIX E
                         UARS ANOMALY REPORTS
                      Week ending 26 August 2005

------    ------    -----     ----      ---       -----------------
05-042    MPS       76339     233/2347  N/A       BATTERY 2 DIFFV -700mV
05-043    FOT       76404     238/0730  30832     Generic Late Acquisition

------    ------    -----     ----      ---       -----------------
05-039    FOT       76162     222/0506  40451     WS Chain Failover
05-040    FOT       76176     223/0244  40465     TLM HITS - WEATHER AT
05-041    FOT       76183     223/1443  40470     TLM DROPOUT - WEATHER AT

------    ------    -----     ----      ---       -----------------
-None this report period.

                         OPEN ANOMALY REPORTS
------    ------    -----     ----      ---       -----------------
05-042    MPS       76339     233/2347  N/A       BATTERY 2 DIFFV -700mV
05-043    FOT       See List  August 05 30832     Generic Late Acquisition