UARS Weekly Status Report

18 August 2000


                UARS WEEKLY STATUS REPORT - 18 AUG 2000



SOLSTICE is in good health, collecting solar data on all available
orbital tracking periods and stellar calibration observations whenever
possible. Our solar data is not affected by the larger than normal
pointing errors since they are within our calibrations. Additionally, we
continue to gather enough data to meet all the SOLSTICE science
objectives during this period of reduced tape recorder operations.
Level2 processing is halted due to bugs in the OA_SSPP_ATT service. CDHF
and CSC personnel are working on the problem.


Except for the turnoff for the recent yaw-around and the subsequent
warmup period, SUSIM continues to gather a normal set of daily solar
scans scheduled for periods of predicted telemetry.


Nothing received.


Nothing received.


Nothing received.


Nothing received.


Nothing received.


Nothing received.


The MPG participated in a meeting held to discuss the status
of calibration efforts for the UARS Fixed Head Star Tracker 1.

Processing of instrument Daily Activity Plans continues with no 
problems. We are continuing to coordinate with the Flight
Operations Team and to assist the Project Scientist in the
scheduling of instrument operations. 


New UOAS engineering delivery made at SOLSTICE request is available.
(oa_sspp_att services)

The CDHF processed current day data through level 3 for all active
instruments. Additionally, CDHF personnel reprocessed: (R)= Requested
   (C) = Complete, (F)= Failed  (L) = Days remaining to reprocess.
            5 days SEN (5.0) PROD (1992)     (5R-5C=0L)
            1 day  SUS (5.0) TEST            (1R-1C=0L)

Data created in the month of June 2000 has been previewed for HALOE, NMC,
and UKMO in preparation for the DAAC.
   -  UARS PCG has notified all PI Representatives regarding plan to run in
      a parallel mode on the current and rehost systems for at least (2) weeks
      starting  31-Jul-2000. We are planning to extend test another week.
      Investigating  SUSIM run which did not compare correctly.  

                              REPORTING PERIOD

This report covers 05 August 2000 (Orbit 48647, GMT Day 218) through 11 August 
2000 (Orbit 48751, GMT Day 224).

                           SPACECRAFT OPERATION

The observatory is now in Forward Flight (Southern Hemisphere viewing) and is 
performing nominally under two-battery operations.  The instrument operational 
changes were:


     Instrument      Time        Orbit      Comment
     AXIS-1        218/2357      48661      Off
     WINDII        222/1244      48714      Off
     HALOE         223/2304      48736      Off

The beta angle ranged between the angles of 48.3 degrees to 13.4 degrees for 
this report period.  The beta angle is now decreasing toward a minimum angle of 
+2 degrees on 14 August 2000 (DOY 227).

Spacecraft battery 1, 2, and 3 performance monitoring continues.  Battery 1 
remains OFF the charge relay.  Battery 2 and Battery 3 are currently 
maintaining greater than 23.5 V end-of-night (EON) load bus voltage.  Battery 
temperatures are stable with a temperature delta between Battery 2 and Battery 
3 of 1.0 to 1.3 degrees C.  Additional battery performance data for each 
battery on  04 August 2000 and 11 August 2000 are provided in Appendix D.

The clock error ranged from -12.9 to 14.3 msec during this report period.  
Clock rate adjustments are listed in Appendix C.

All instrument and subsystem engineers were advised on the initial excursion of 
ALERTS or Out-Of-Limits conditions detected by the FOT for this report.  A 
summary is listed below and the details of ALERT and Out-Of-Limits occurrences 
are listed in Appendix B.

¥     OUT-OF-LIMITS  =  5
¥     ALERTS         =  00

The following real-time command sheets were executed for the listed operational 
element(s) during this report period (see Appendix A).

¥     FOT           =  37
¥     WINDII        =  01
¥     HALOE         =  01
¥     PEM           =  01

UARS Anomaly Reports initiated during this report period are listed in Appendix 
E and summarized below.

¥     FOT           =  05

Five (5) Anomaly Reports remained OPEN at the end of this report period (see 
Appendix E).

· Transponder A:  00/153  -  2287.496961
· Transponder B:  00/213  -  2287.499288

                        GROUND SYSTEM OPERATION

Five (5) operational support problems occurred this period.  Anomaly Reports 
are included in Appendix E.

The data loss calculations supplied by Data Capture Facility (DCF) from mission 
start through UTC Day 00/223 show the observatory data loss to be 297 hours, 50 
minutes, 22.560 seconds (an increase of 50 minutes 22.560 seconds since the 
last report period).  This is a 0.40 percent data loss which equals a 99.60 
percent data capture for the mission.

The increase of 50 minutes 22.560 seconds occurred over one (1) day:

· 50 minutes 22.560 seconds on Day 221 due to no acquisition.

                          OTHER SIGNIFICANT EVENTS

                          UARS SATELLITE OPERATIONS

The FOT continues to operate FHST-1 for approximately one orbit each day. By 
cycling the tracker on and off for such a short duration the degradation seems 
to have been reduced significantly.  Scale factor calibrations are being 
provided on a regular basis from FDF and are being uplinked when received. It 
appears that the FOT has been able to stabilize the performance of FHST-1 for 
now and continues to work on establishing another viable attitude control 
solution should the tracker fail.

UARS had an anomaly this week which resulted in a 50 minute data loss. This 
data loss was a result of the wrong time tags being sent for a segment of the 
daily ATC load.  This mistake caused the stored command processor to halt on 
the first location of this load and thus all of the subsequent commands were 
not executed.  Among the commands not executed were the HGA slew commands which 
slew the antenna from one TDRS to the other. The loss of these commands 
stopped the HGA and thus data was lost until the problem was isolated and 


The FOT attended a meeting to discuss FHST-1 on 10 August 2000.

                        FUTURE SIGNIFICANT EVENTS

The next UARS Yaw slew is scheduled for August 14, 2000 (DOY 227).  This 
maneuver will be a Forward to Reverse Flight maneuver (Northern Hemisphere 

Attachments:  Appendix A,  Real-time Commands Sheets
              Appendix B,  Out-Of-Limits & ALERT Occurrences
              Appendix C,  Clock & Solar Array Rate Corrections
              Appendix D,  UARS Battery Performance Data
              Appendix E,  UARS Anomaly Reports

                                 APPENDIX A
                         REAL-TIME COMMAND SHEETS
                         Week ending 11 Aug 2000

 ORBIT     AOS           NO.      SUBSYS     REASON
 -----     ---           ---      ------     -------
 48650     218/0537     00-389     NBTR      NOOPS D-218
 48656     218/1558     00-389     NBTR      NOOPS D-218
 48656     218/1558     00-391     FHST-1    POWER ON
 48657     218/1738     00-391     FHST-1    POWER OFF
 48658     218/1840     00-392     NBTR      NOOPS D-219
 48661     218/2357     00-393     AXIS-1    POWER OFF
 48664     219/0457     00-392     NBTR      NOOPS D-219
 48669     219/1237     00-392     NBTR      NOOPS D-219
 48671     219/1600     00-391     FHST-1    POWER ON
 48672     219/1739     00-391     FHST-1    POWER OFF
 48673     219/1844     00-394     NBTR      NOOPS D-220
 48681     220/0725     00-395     OBC       Clk Adj 0.0 to 20.6 msec/day
 48685     220/1421     00-394     NBTR      NOOPS D-220
 48686     220/1601     00-397     FHST-1    POWER ON
 48687     220/1741     00-397     FHST-1    POWER OFF
 48688     220/1922     00-396     NBTR      NOOPS D-221
 48689     220/2035     00-398     FHST-1    SCALE FACTOR UPDATE
 48696     221/0649     00-396     NBTR      NOOPS D-221
 48697     221/0917     00-399     OBC       Clk Adj 20.6 to 0.00 msec/day
 48701     221/1520     00-400     FHST-1    ALIGNMENT CALIBRATION
 48701     221/1603     00-400     FHST-1    POWER ON
 48702     221/1742     00-400     FHST-1    POWER OFF
 48706     222/0004     00-401     NBTR      NOOPS D-222
 48714     222/1244     00-403     WINDII    POWER OFF
 48716     222/1522     00-401     NBTR      NOOPS D-222
 48716     222/1604     00-404     FHST-1    POWER ON
 48717     222/1744     00-404     FHST-1    POWER OFF
 48717     222/1744     00-406     FHST-1    SCALE FACTOR UPDATE
 48718     222/1927     00-405     NBTR      NOOPS D-223
 48726     223/0656     00-405     NBTR      NOOPS D-223
 48729     223/1246     00-407     OBC       Clk Adj 0.0 to -20.6 msec/day
 48731     223/1606     00-404     FHST-1    POWER ON
 48731     223/1606     00-405     NBTR      NOOPS D-223
 48732     223/1749     00-404     FHST-1    POWER OFF
 48736     223/2304     00-408     HALOE     POWER OFF
 48743     224/1025     00-409     NBTR      PLAYBACK
 48746     224/1527     00-410     FHST-1    SCALE FACTOR UPDATE
 48746     224/1607     00-404     FHST-1    POWER ON
 48748     224/1901     00-411     OBC       Clk Adj -20.6 to 0.0 msec/day
 48748     224/1901     00-404     FHST-1    POWER OFF

                                 APPENDIX B
                         Week ending 11 Aug 2000

The following Out-Of-Limits occurrences were detected:

 ---------        -----     ------------             ------
 OBSVLBEON        Y-LO      LOAD BUS VOLTS EON       48714
 PWLBV            Y-LO      LOAD BUS VOLTAGE         48714
 OBSBATVEON2      Y-LO      BAT 2 VOLT EON           48714
 OBSBATVEON3      Y-LO      BAT 3 VOLT EON           48714
 PWBAT3V          Y-LO      BAT 3 VOLTAGE            48714

The following ALERT occurrences were detected:

 MNEMONIC        DESCRIPTION                         ORBITS
 ---------       ------------                        ------
                 None this report period


                                 APPENDIX C
                           Week ending 11 Aug 2000

                         CLOCK DRIFT RATE ADJUSTMENTS

 ORBIT           TIME                        CLOCK RATE CHANGE
 -----           ----                        -----------------
 48673           219/07:28 (06 Aug 00)       from 0.00 to 20.6 msec/day
 48697           221/09:20 (08 Aug 00)       from 20.6 to 0.00 msec/day
 48729           223/12:50 (10 Aug 00)       from 0.00 to -20.6 msec/day
 48748           224/19:10 (11 Aug 00)       from -20.6 to 0.00 msec/day

                                 APPENDIX D
                       UARS BATTERY PERFORMANCE DATA
                          Week ending 11 Aug 2000

     04 Aug 2000 - GMT Day 217 Beta = 48.3 deg, SA Pos = 269 deg

     DIFF V (mV)   TEMP (C)     CURR (amp)     EON V    AVE C/D   AVE
BAT  MAX/MIN       MAX/MIN      MAX/MIN        MIN      RATIO     DOD(%)
---  ----------    ---------    ----------     ------   -------   ------
1    +78.4/+56.0   -3.05/-4.31  +0.0/+0.0      15.5     0.000     0.0
2    +44.8/-33.6   +5.79/+4.19  +27.2/-15.2    25.0     1.020     21.6
3    +22.4/-44.8   +4.51/+3.23  +26.8/-15.2    24.8     1.020     21.2

     11 Aug 2000 - GMT Day 224 Beta = 13.4 deg, SA Pos = 269 deg

     DIFF V (mV)   TEMP (C)     CURR (amp)    EON V     AVE C/D   AVE
BAT  MAX/MIN       MAX/MIN      MAX/MIN       MIN       RATIO     DOD(%)
---  -----------   ---------    ----------    ------    -------   ------
1    +89.6/+67.2   -3.05/-4.62  +0.0/+0.0     15.5      0.000     0.0
2    +16.8/-22.4   +5.47/+3.87  +29.2/-13.2   26.2      1.020     20.3
3    +22.4/-22.4   +4.51/+2.60  +29.4/-13.2   26.2      1.018     20.0

               V/T LEVEL CHANGES
     ORB#         TIME            LVL FR-TO
     -----        ----------      ----------
                  no changes      V/T 5

                                 APPENDIX E
                            UARS ANOMALY REPORTS
                          Week ending 11 Aug 2000

                        NEW ANOMALY REPORTS GENERATED
------     ------     -----      ----       ---     -----------------
00-035     FOT        48649      218/0455   22770   Drop outs/Ret. Link
00-036     FOT        48672      219/1739   22775   Drop outs
00-037     FOT        48685      220/1338   14170   Generic Late Acq.
00-038     FOT        48701      221/1520   N/A     Prime Pack Crashed
00-039     FOT        48703      221/1924   22785   Wrong ATC Loaded

------     ------     -----      ----       ---     -----------------
00-026     FOT        see list   June 00    14170   Generic Late Acq.
00-031     FOT        see list   July 00    14170   Generic Late Acq.
00-034     FOT        48566      212/1547   22739   No Lock/Bad Vector
00-035     FOT        48649      218/0455   22770   Drop outs/Ret. Link
00-036     FOT        48672      219/1739   22775   Drop outs
00-038     FOT        48701      221/1520   N/A     Prime Pack Crashed
00-039     FOT        48703     221/1924    22785   Wrong ATC Loaded

------     ------     -----      ----       ---     -----------------
           -None this report period

                           OPEN ANOMALY REPORTS
------     ------     -----      ----       ---     -----------------
00-037     FOT        see list   Aug 00     14170   Generic Late Acq.
00-032     FHST       48211      188/2242   N/A     FHST 2 Anomaly
