UARS Weekly Status Report

21 July 2000


                UARS WEEKLY STATUS REPORT - 21 JULY 2000



This week, we have seen some degraded solar pointing performance (3-5
arc-minutes vs. 1.5 arc-minutes nominally) but this is still within our
calibration. Additionally, we continue to gather enough data to meet all
the SOLSTICE science objectives during this period of reduced tape
recorder operations. 

SOLSTICE operates normally, collecting solar data on all available
orbital tracking periods and stellar calibration observations whenever
possible. Level 2 processing is halted due to bugs in the OA_SSPP_ATT
service. CDHF and CSC personnel are working on the problem.


SUSIM continues to gather a normal set of daily solar scans scheduled
for periods of predicted telemetry.

We are preparing for our 4 lamp batch of yearly calibration scans.


Nothing received.


     At the present time, the PEM is not active...may UARS get better soon.
Recent data configuration changes have affected PEM software causing multiple 
failures.  These failures are being reviewed by the PEM team.  In order to 
correct for new telemetry requirements, PEM will need to update processing 
code with a patch delivery.  The delivery patch will not include changes which
would allow the PEM software to execute on a DEC Alpha machine.

    Updated HEPS calibration parameters have been finalized and are ready for 
delivery.  Updated MEPS quality calibration files have been finalized and are 
ready for delivery.  Level 3 software errors, discovered by Dr. Dean Pesnell, 
have been fixed; his suggestions have been incorporated with in the PEM 
production code.  Both updated HEPS and MEPS calibration data, along with the 
Level 3 code changes, will influence the in-situ energy deposition predictions,
so new versions of PEM energy deposition Level 3 files will be generated.


HALOE had been operating successfully until the scheduled power off
beginning-of-day July 19,2000.  All engineering parameters were within
nominal operating region and the science data processed results are of
excellent quality.


Nothing received.


Nothing received.


Nothing received.


The MPG continues to assist with analysis of the impact
resulting from the failure of UARS Fixed Head Star Tracker 2. 
UARS spacecraft attitude control and knowledge are now 
being maintained from Fine Sun Sensor data and periodic 
operation of  Fixed Head Star Tracker 1. 

Processing of instrument Daily Activity Plans continues with no 
problems. We are continuing to coordinate with the Flight
Operations Team and to assist the Project Scientist in the
scheduling of instrument operations. 


Continue to notify all PI Software Representatives when Data Gaps
occur in the LEVEL0 data due to the UARS Spacecraft Anomaly.

Data created in the month of May, 2000 will be previewed and loaded
into the Daac Transfer Tables July, 2000.                               

  - Intentions are on July 31,2000 to begin running current day processing,
 Level 0 and NRT Ingest on both the present production and Rehost systems.
 Approximate duration 2 weeks.  We would then like  PI/SW reps to use
 the Rehost system the primary system for LO ,NRT and current day processing.
 PAC and Production will notify PI software reps regarding data transfer and 
 account access on the Rehost.   
 Successful processing on Rehost System:
 Attitude Extraction, Observatory Log, Sensor Extraction, HALOE, HRDI,
 MLS, SUSIM, Solstice, and WINDII.                    

 Built SOLAR cataloging files on the rehost cluster, with MPG user SOL. 
 Many subsystems on the rehost have recently been re-linked and tested.
 A re-linking of all the PI software tested is now required, and in 
 progress.  Correlative suppliers who had already linked to the old images,
 have been notified to re-compile and re-link as well.
                               REPORTING PERIOD

This report covers 08 July 2000 (Orbit 48227, GMT Day 190) through 14 July 2000 
(Orbit 48331 , GMT Day 196).

                             SPACECRAFT OPERATION

The observatory is now in Forward Flight (Southern Hemisphere viewing) and is 
performing nominally under two-battery operations.  The instrument operational 
changes were:


            Instrument     Time       Orbit      Comment
            HALOE       192/1311      48265      POWER ON

The beta angle ranged between the angles of 10.6 degrees to 38.5 degrees for 
this report period.  The beta angle is now increasing toward a maximum angle of 
+76 degrees on 25 July 2000 (DOY 207).

Spacecraft battery 1, 2, and 3 performance monitoring continues.  Battery 1 
remains OFF the charge relay.  Battery 2 and Battery 3 are currently 
maintaining greater than 23.8 V end-of-night (EON) load bus voltage.  Battery 
temperatures are stable with a temperature delta between Battery 2 and Battery 
3 of 0.7 to 1.3 degrees C.  Additional battery performance data for each 
battery on  07 July 2000 and 14 June 2000 are provided in Appendix D.

The clock error ranged from -11.7 to 11.6 msec during this report period.  
Clock rate adjustments are listed in Appendix C.

All instrument and subsystem engineers were advised on the initial excursion of 
ALERTS or Out-Of-Limits conditions detected by the FOT for this report.  A 
summary is listed below and the details of ALERT and Out-Of-Limits occurrences 
are listed in Appendix B.

%     OUT-OF-LIMITS  =  01
%     ALERTS         =  02

The following real-time command sheets were executed for the listed operational 
element(s) during this report period (see Appendix A).

%     FOT            =  34
%     HALOE          =  01
%     SUSIM          =  01

UARS Anomaly Reports initiated during this report period are listed in Appendix 
E and summarized below.

%     FOT            =  03

Two (2) Anomaly Reports remained OPEN at the end of this report period (see 
Appendix E).

- Transponder A:  00/145  -  2287.497008
- Transponder B:  00/152  -  2287.498920

                             GROUND SYSTEM OPERATION

Two (2) operational support problems occurred this period.  Anomaly Reports are 
included in Appendix E.

The data loss calculations supplied by Data Capture Facility (DCF) from mission 
start through UTC Day 00/189 show the observatory data loss to be 296 hours, 37 
minutes, 2.841 seconds (an increase of 1 minute 27.488 seconds since the last 
report period).  This is a 0.40 percent data loss which equals a 99.60 percent 
data capture for the mission.

The increase of 1 minute 27.488 seconds occurred over two (2) days:

- 0 minutes 00.576 seconds on Day 189 due a data hit,
- 1 minutes 26.912 seconds on Day 193 due to an unknown reason.

                          OTHER SIGNIFICANT EVENTS

                          UARS SATELLITE OPERATIONS

The investigation and correction of the FHST-2 anomaly continued this week.  It 
appears from the trending data and from a series of tests that FHST-2 
experienced an electrical failure which has rendered the tracker inoperable.  
The exact nature of the failure is still under investigation.  The FOT returned 
FHST-1 to operations and powered off FHST-2.  FHST-1 is operating at a reduced 
capacity but will give UARS a stable attitude until it can be recalibrated.

The FOT has delayed the testing of the new TMONs until the FHST-2 anomaly is 
resolved.  No time frame has been set as to when testing will resume.

The FOT has begun writing the online procedure for safehold should it happen 
before the new TMONs are in place or during and OBC halt.  This procedure will 
be tested on the simulator and put online for immediate execution should an 
anomalous condition take place.


The FOT attended meetings to discuss FHSTs 1 & 2 on 10 & 12 July 2000.

                        FUTURE SIGNIFICANT EVENTS

The next UARS Yaw slew is scheduled for August 14, 2000 (DOY 227).  This 
maneuver will be a Forward to Reverse Flight maneuver (Northern Hemisphere 

Attachments:  Appendix A,  Real-time Commands Sheets
              Appendix B,  Out-Of-Limits & ALERT Occurrences
              Appendix C,  Clock & Solar Array Rate Corrections
              Appendix D,  UARS Battery Performance Data
              Appendix E,  UARS Anomaly Reports

                                APPENDIX A
                          REAL-TIME COMMAND SHEETS
                          Week ending 14 July 2000

 ORBIT     AOS          NO.       SUBSYS     REASON
 -----     ---          ---       ------     -------
 48230     190/0608     00-316     NBTR      NOOPS D190
 48235     190/1307     00-319     SUSIM     EXCEPTION CLEAR
 48236     190/1549     00-320     FHST      TESTING
 48236     190/1631     00-322     FHST      TESTING
 48238     190/1739     00-316     NBTR      NOOPS D190
 48238     190/1739     00-323     FHST      TESTING
 48239     190/1925     00-321     NBTR      NOOPS D191
 48239     190/1925     00-324     FHST      TESTING
 48241     190/2246     00-325     OBC       Clk Adj 0.0 to -20.6 msec/day
 48245     191/0610     00-321     NBTR      NOOPS D191
 48255     191/2149     00-327     OBC       Clk Adj -20.6 to 0.0 msec/day
 48260     192/0544     00-326     NBTR      NOOPS D192
 48264     192/1228     00-328     OBC       Clk Adj 0.0 to 20.6 msec/day
 48265     192/1311     00-329     HALOE     POWER ON
 48268     192/1816     00-326     NBTR      NOOPS D192
 48268     192/1816     00-330     NBTR      NOOPS D193
 48275     193/0548     00-330     NBTR      NOOPS D193
 48280     193/1413     00-332     FHST1     POWER ON
 48281     193/1452     00-332     FHST1     POWER OFF
 48282     193/1633     00-333     OBC       Clk Adj 20.6 to 0.0 msec/day
 48283     193/1749     00-330     NBTR      NOOPS D193
 48283     193/1749     00-331     NBTR      NOOPS D194
 48290     194/0621     00-331     NBTR      NOOPS D194
 48298     194/1752     00-331     NBTR      NOOPS D194
 48298     194/1752     00-334     NBTR      NOOPS D195
 48305     195/0553     00-334     NBTR      NOOPS D195
 48309     195/1234     00-335     FHST1     STAR UPDATE
 48312     195/1642     00-334     NBTR      NOOPS D195
 48313     195/1754     00-336     NBTR      NOOPS D196
 48320     196/0555     00-336     NBTR      PLAYBACK
 48320     196/0555     00-337     PSU       AXIS QB OFF
 48321     196/0632     00-336     NBTR      NOOPS D196
 48323     196/0959     00-338     FHST1     POWER ON
 48324     196/1055     00-338     FHST1     POWER OFF
 48324     196/1138     00-339     FHST1     POWER ON
 48327     196/1643     00-339     FHST1     POWER OFF

                                  APPENDIX B
                      OUT-OF-LIMITS & ALERTS OCCURRENCES
                           Week ending 14 July 2000

The following Out-Of-Limits occurrences were detected:

 ---------     -----     ------------           ------
 ACTEMPANA1    Y-LO      TEMP PSU BOARD         48240

The following ALERT occurrences were detected:

 MNEMONIC          DESCRIPTION                        ORBITS
 ---------         ------------                       ------
SUEXCMON1          SUSIM EXCEPTION MONITOR            48232
OBSZ100L           Z1 RESIDUAL EXCEEDED 100 ARC/SEC   48325-7


                                  APPENDIX C
                           Week ending 14 July 2000

                          CLOCK DRIFT RATE ADJUSTMENTS

 ORBIT     TIME                               CLOCK RATE CHANGE
 -----     ----                               -----------------
 48241     190/22:53 (08 June 00)             from 0.00 to -20.6 msec/day
 48255     191/22:04 (09 June 00)             from -20.6 to 0.00 msec/day
 48264     192/12:56 (10 June 00)             from 0.00 to 20.6 msec/day
 48282     193/16:38 (11 June 00)             from 20.6 to 0.00 msec/day

                                  APPENDIX D
                         UARS BATTERY PERFORMANCE DATA
                            Week ending 14 July 2000

     07 July 2000 - GMT Day 189 Beta = 10.6 deg, SA Pos = 269 deg

     DIFF V (mV)    TEMP (C)       CURR (amp)    EON V   AVE C/D   AVE
BAT  MAX/MIN        MAX/MIN        MAX/MIN       MIN     RATIO     DOD(%)
---  -----------    ---------    -----------   ------  ------    ------
1    +44.8/+28.0    -3.68/-4.94    +0.0/+0.0     15.5    0.000     0.0
2    +11.2/-67.2    +4.51/+3.87    +28.8/-13.6   26.1    1.040     19.8
3    +28.0/-22.4    +3.55/+2.60    +28.0/-13.2   25.9    1.040     19.3

     14 July 2000 - GMT Day 196 Beta = 38.5 deg, SA Pos = 269 deg

     DIFF V (mV)     TEMP (C)      CURR (amp)   EON V   AVE C/D   AVE
BAT  MAX/MIN         MAX/MIN       MAX/MIN      MIN     RATIO     DOD(%)
---  -----------     ---------     ----------   ------  -------   ------
1    +56.0/+33.6     -3.05/-4.31   +0.0/+0.0     15.5   0.000     0.0
2    +50.4/-56.0     +5.79/+4.51   +28.0/-15.2   25.0   1.030     22.0
3    +22.4/-33.6     +5.15/+3.23   +27.2/-16.4   25.0   1.030     22.0

  ORB#       TIME          LVL FR-TO
  -----     ----------     ----------
            no changes     V/T 5

                                  APPENDIX E
                             UARS ANOMALY REPORTS
                            Week ending 14 July 2000

                         NEW ANOMALY REPORTS GENERATED
------     ------     -----     ----         ---      -----------------
00-032     FHST       48211     188/2242     N/A      FHST 2 Anomaly
00-031     FOT        48285     193/2111     14170    Generic Late Acq.
00-031     FOT        48317     196/0117     14170    Generic Late Acq.

------     ------     -----     ----         ---      -----------------
99-064     FOT        44135     10/8-9/99    N/A      HRDI Cal Lamp Errors
00-030     FOT        48211     188/2242     22631    Intermittent drop outs

------     ------     -----     ----         ---      -----------------
           -None this report period

                              OPEN ANOMALY REPORTS
------     ------     -----     ----        ---      -----------------
00-026     FOT        see list  June 00     14170    Generic Late Acq.
00-032     FHST       48211     188/2242    N/A      FHST 2 Anomaly
