UARS Weekly Status Report

6 July 1998


                UARS WEEKLY STATUS REPORT - 6 JULY 1998



SOLSTICE continues to operate normally, collecting solar data on all 
available orbital tracking periods and stellar calibration observations, 
whenever possible.  


SUSIM was turned off for most of this week.  Turn on is scheduled for
Friday.  Until turnoff SUSIM successfully gathered its normal solar,
offset, and occultation scan data without apparent problems.

SUSIM Version 7 production software is in Engineering Mode testing
at the CDHF.


PEM/AXIS was active from June 22 through June 27.  During this time, 
PEM/AXIS generated energy deposition from inverted X-ray spectra for each of 
its 16 look directions. 

GSFC has proposed an OBC operation plan for the activation of PEM boom 
instruments during the daylight portions of every orbit.  This OBC operation 
plan is accepted by PEM.  PEM has proposed a series of test procedures for 
activation and is waiting response from GSFC.  PEM is also waiting for GSFC
scheduling and implementation of the OBC plan and its operation test procedures.


Nothing received.


MLS has had a recurrence of antenna scan slips, similar to what it experienced
several years ago and eliminated then by changing the method of instrument
operation. The recent slips were detected, and corrected, by on-board software
before they caused any damage to the instrument or had any impact on its
science data. MLS is now being operated in a manner to obtain diagnostic
information on the scan slips, or else is put in safehold while the engineering
data are being analyzed. Initial analyses indicate no change in play in the
scan mechanism, and that the scan motor performance is unchanged since the
start of mission. Additional tests are being conducted to, hopefully, determine
an acceptable operating mode.


HRDI is currently off.  Next scheduled turn-on is July 3rd.

Mark Burrage will be presenting a review paper, "Mesosphere and lower
thermosphere coupling from UARS/HRDI," at the COSPAR meeting in Nagoya,
Japan, July 12-19.


WINDII is preparing for another PMC observing session later this month.
Final touches are also being made to Version 5 of the production 
processing software. 


Routine processing of instrument Daily Activity Plans continues 
with no other problems.  The MPG continues to assist the Project 
Scientist with the scheduling of instrument operations.

An orbit-adjust maneuver for the UARS spacecraft is being planned 
for 12 August 1998.  In preparation for the thruster firing on 
12 August, small thruster "burns" for calibration are being 
planned for 28 July 1998.


The CDHF processed current day data through level 3 for all active
instruments. Additionally, CDHF personnel reprocessed: (R)= Requested
   (C) = Complete, (F)= Failed  (L) = Days remaining to reprocess.           
             28 days HAL (4.80) PROD (L1)    (1868R-539C-8F=1321L)
              0 days HAL (4.80) PROD (L3)    (1868R-306C=1562L)
            347 days SOL (4.61) PROD (L1)    (2922R-2922C=0L)
            120 days SOL (4.61) PROD (L2-L3) (2349R-687C=1662L) 
The CDHF received SUSIM V7.0 Engineering Software Delivery.   
The CDHF completed the 9-track tape to 8mm tape conversion for
the Level 0 Catalog Saves stored at TSSF.  UARS days 4 through 1175 were
converted.  586 8mm tapes replaced 3592 9-track tapes.

The CDHF will load May 1998 current day DAAC data in July 1998.

CDHF pending software upgrades: IDL 5.1, OpenIngres, Fortran V6.5. 


This report covers 12 June 1998 (Orbit 36903, GMT Day 164) through 19 June 
1998 (Orbit 37006, GMT Day 170).


The observatory is now in Reverse Flight (Northern Hemisphere viewing) and 
is performing nominally under two-battery operations.  The instrument 
operational changes were:


     Instrument        Time       Orbit     Comment
       HALOE         171/0047     37008     On
       WINDII        172/2313     37037     On
       WINDII        173/0056     37038     Off
       WINDII        173/1156     37044     On
        PEM          174/1019     37058     AXIS on

The beta angle reached a minimum angle of 0.0 degrees on 15 June 1998 (DOY 
166).  The beta angle is now increasing toward a maximum angle of 33.8 
degrees on 30 June 1998 (DOY 181).

A series of SSPP gridded offset maneuvers requested by SUSIM operations was 
performed on GMT Days 171 through 176.  The offsets utilized the 5 and 10 
arcminute intervals (as opposed to 15 and 30 arcminute intervals) with two 
identical offsets being performed on consecutive orbits of each day.  
Another series of similar gridded offsets is planned for GMT Days 185 
through 190.

A Rmanually generatedS stellar offset experiment requested by SOLSTICE 
operations was performed on GMT day 176.

Spacecraft battery 1, 2, and 3 performance monitoring continues. Battery 1 
remains OFF the charge relay.  Battery 2 and Battery 3 are currently 
maintaining greater than 24.5 V end-of-night (EON) load bus voltage. 
Battery temperatures are stable with a temperature delta between Battery 2 
and Battery 3 of 1.1 degrees C.  Additional battery performance data for 
each battery on 20 June 1998 and 26 June 1998 are provided in Appendix D.

The clock error ranged from -10.7 to 10.0 msec during this report period.  
Clock rate adjustments are listed in Appendix C.

All instrument and subsystem engineers were advised on the initial 
excursion of ALERTS or Out-Of-Limits conditions detected by the FOT for 
this report.  A summary is listed below and the details of ALERT and Out-
Of-Limits occurrences are listed in Appendix B.

%     ALERTS        =     none
%     OUT-OF-LIMITS =     10

The following real-time command sheets were executed for the listed 
operational element(s) during this report period (see Appendix A). 

%     FOT     02
%     HALOE   03
%     HRDI    06
%     PEM     01
%     WINDII  03

UARS Anomaly Reports initiated during this report period are listed in 
Appendix E and summarized below.

%     FOT     05

One (1) Anomaly Report remained OPEN at the end of this report period (see 
Appendix E).

     Transponder A:  98/146  -  2287.496748
     Transponder B:  98/147  -  2287.499000


One (1) operational support problem(s) occurred this period.  Anomaly 
Reports are included in Appendix E.

The data loss calculations supplied by Data Capture Facility (DCF) from 
mission start through UTC Day 98/176 show the observatory data loss to be 
20 hours, 44 minutes, 38.388 seconds (an increase of 32.488 seconds since 
last report period).  This is a 0.0350 percent data loss which equals a 
99.9650 percent data capture for the mission.

The increase of 32.488 seconds occurred over a two day period:

7 23.104 seconds on Day 171 due to insufficient overlap, and 
7 9.344 seconds on Day 173 due to insufficient overlap.

The latest version of the re-engineering teamUs quicklook generation 
software was tested on UMPGAL.  Problems still exist in the flagging of bad 
quality frames.

Version 2.33 of the UGPL software for CDHF/UMPGAL was released on 22 June 
1998.  This version has larger telemetry point index tables (increased from 
6000 points to 7500 points).  This change was required to support the new 
telemetry generated by the new flight software (V63).

Testing the command side of the I/P Net remains on hold.


Continued the upgrade to the OBC Power Monitor (PMON) flight software.  
Ground System testing continued this week.  Several builds of the ground 
system including 10.07 level, 10.08 level, and development packs 
demonstrated the same failure associated with the dump directive.  So far 
only Pack PE53 has shown the desired behavior and operated properly in the 
absence of default parameters.

Work continues on the UARS orbit adjust planning re-scheduled for 12 August 
1998.  Additionally, planning is underway for the 28 July 1998 thruster 
tests (engineering test).

Representative plots of UARS historical power subsystem data were 
accumulated and provided to EOS-AM spacecraft personnel.  The plots contain 
information pertaining to the modular power subsystem, main and auxiliary 
solar arrays and beta angle for beta values between 10 and 20 degrees.

FOT continues to support CNMOS in their efforts to make necessary software 
changes (MSOCC, CMS, DCF, etc.) to support the year 2000 rollover.

Monitoring of the magnetic field model performance continues.

FOT continues to improve a Power Profile for UARS based on the current 
status of the Modular Power System.

FOT continues to support the new UARS ground system re-engineering effort.


A meeting was held on 26 June between FOT members and CSC personnel (Sidney 
Kirschner) to discuss Year 2000 related testing of the UARS CMS.  Mr. 
Kirschner will be working closely with the FOT over the next several months 
to ensure the CMS is thoroughly tested for Year 2000 compatibility.

No UARS Battery telecon was held this week.  The next telecon has not been 


The next UARS Yaw Around Maneuver is currently scheduled for 15 July 1998.

The UARS orbit altitude is dropping slowly and a drag makeup orbit adjust 
is targeted for 12 August 1998.



Attachments:  Appendix A,  Real-time Commands Sheets
              Appendix B,  Out-Of-Limits & ALERT Occurrences
              Appendix C,  Clock & Solar Array Rate Corrections
              Appendix D,  UARS Battery Performance Data
              Appendix E,  UARS Anomaly Reports

                               APPENDIX A
                       REAL-TIME COMMAND SHEETS
                      Week ending 26 June 1998

ORBIT        AOS         NO.     SUBSYS         REASON
-----        ---         ---     ------         -------  
37008     171/0047     98-204     HALOE    Power ON
37012     171/0747     98-205     HRDI     Heater Cycle to 150 Amp/Mins
37013     171/0925     98-206     HRDI     Heater Cycle to 175 Amp/Mins
37014     171/1149     98-207     HRDI     Low PWR Mode 
37019     171/1843     98-208     HALOE    Power ON/Disable MUB
37020     171/2028     98-209     HALOE    Power OFF/ON
37031     172/1452     98-210     HRDI     Heater Delay from 175 to 150 A/M
37037     172/2313     98-211     HRDI     Heater Delay from 150 to 125 A/M
37037     172/2313     98-212     WINDII   Power ON
37038     173/0056     98-213     WINDII   Power OFF
37044     173/1156     98-214     WINDII   Power ON
37055     174/0519     98-215     HRDI     Heater Delay to 100 amp/mins
37058     174/1019     98-216     PEM      Power ON AXIS
37059     174/1200     98-217     OBC      Clk Adj fr 0.00 to 20.6 msec/day
37079     175/2003     98-218     OBC      Clk Adj fr 20.6 to 0.00 msec/day


                               APPENDIX B
                      Week ending 26 June 1998

MNEMONIC       STATE       DESCRIPTION                      ORBITS
---------      -----       ------------                     ------
HAH28VA        R-LO     Heater Motor Voltage           37011-19
HRIFEELECTMP   R-HI     IFE Electronics Temp           37013-14
HRIFESURVTMP   Y-HI     IFE Survival Heater Temp       37013-14
HRRADTEMP      Y-HI     IFE Radiator Temp              37013-14
HRPSEQBIMON    Y-HI     PSE Quiet Bus Current Mon      37026-33,42-48,55-                    
WIEUTEMP       Y-LO     WINDII EU Temperature          37008-44
QTSISAIF       Y-HI     SSPP Baseplate by SISA I/F     37015-112
HRIFESURVTMP   R-HI     IFE Survival Heater Temp       37013-14
HASMIRRT       Y-HI     HALOE Sec. Mirror Temp         37018-19
WIQBCURRENT    Y-LO     WINDII Quiet Bus. Current      37044

The following ALERT occurrences were detected:

MNEMONIC              DESCRIPTION                           ORBITS
---------             ------------                          ------
          None this report period

                               APPENDIX C
                      Week ending 26 June 1998

                      CLOCK DRIFT RATE ADJUSTMENTS

     ORBIT              TIME                 CLOCK RATE CHANGE
     -----              ----                 -----------------
     37059     174/12:14 (23 Jun 98)     from 00.0 to 20.6 msec/day
     37079     175/20:12 (24 Jun 98)     from 20.6 to 00.0 msec/day


                               APPENDIX D
                      Week ending 26 June 1998

     20 Jun 1998 - GMT Day 171 Beta = 14.9 deg, SA Pos = 269 deg

      DIFF V (mV)   TEMP (C)    CURR (amp)  EON V   AVE C/D   AVE
BAT   MAX/MIN       MAX/MIN      MAX/MIN     MIN     RATIO   DOD(%)
---  ------------  ----------  -----------  -------  -------  ------
1  +728.0/+728.0  -3.05/-4.31   +0.0/ +0.0  18.2     0.000    0.0
2   +22.4/ -22.4  +7.09/+4.51  +31.2/-16.4  23.5     1.020   23.3
3   +72.8/  -5.6  +5.47/+3.23  +30.4/-17.6  23.5     1.021   22.6

     26 Jun 1998 - GMT Day 177 Beta = 29.9 deg, SA Pos = 269 deg

      DIFF V (mV)   TEMP (C)    CURR (amp)  EON V   AVE C/D   AVE
BAT   MAX/MIN       MAX/MIN      MAX/MIN     MIN     RATIO   DOD(%)
---  ------------  ----------  -----------  -------  -------  ------
1  +728.0/+728.0  -2.42/-3.68   +0.0/ +0.0  18.2     0.000    0.0
2   +22.4/ -22.4  +7.09/+5.47  +30.4/-16.0  24.5     1.022   23.3
3   +39.2/  -5.6  +5.79/+4.51  +29.6/-16.4  24.5     1.023   22.6

ORB#   TIME          LVL FR-TO
-----  --------      ----------
          no changes

                               APPENDIX E
                         UARS ANOMALY REPORTS
                      Week ending 26 June 1998

  ------  ------   -----     ----       ---      -----------------
98-028    FOT     37039  173/0259     14170   Generic Late Acquisition
98-033    FOT     37080  175/2143     N/A     TAC #2 Crashed
98-035    FOT     37083  176/0129     N/A     TAC #2 Crashed
98-036    FOT     37083  176/0844     N/A     TAC #2 Crashed
98-038    FOT     37098  177/0134     N/A     TAC #8 Crashed

  ------  ------   -----     ----       ---      -----------------
98-030    FOT     36910   164/12:50           TAC 6 CRASH
98-031    FOT     36930   165/19:55           TAC 6 CRASH
98-032    FOT     36973   168/16:51           TAC 4 CRASH     
98-033    FOT     37080   175/21:55           TAC 2 CRASH
98-034    FOT     37010   171/04:22           TMON 1 TRIP 
98-035    FOT     37083   176/01:29           TAC 2 CRASH
98-036    FOT     37087   176/08:44           TAC 2 CRASH
98-037    FOT     36887   163/00:02    19991  XMTR OFF AT AOS
98-038    FOT     377098  177/01:34           TAC 2 CRASH          

  -------  ------   -----    ----       ---      -----------------
                    None this report period

                         OPEN ANOMALY REPORTS
  ------   ------   -----    ----       ---      -----------------
98-028     FOT     SEE LIST  JUNE 1998 14170    GENERIC LATE ACQ