UARS Weekly Status Report

02 June 2000


                UARS WEEKLY STATUS REPORT - 02 JUN 2000



We continue to gather enough data to meet all the SOLSTICE science
objectives during this period of reduced tape recorder operations. 
SOLSTICE operates normally, collecting solar data on all available 
orbital tracking periods and stellar calibration observations whenever 
possible. Level 2 processing is halted due to bugs in the OA_SSPP_ATT and
OA_SAT_ATT services. CDHF and CSC personnel are working on the problem.


Nothing received.


Nothing received.


     The PEM AXIS measured X-rays from half of its camera (8 pixels) from
May 3 to May 6 and again from May 20 to May 26.  The full AXIS instrument 
measured X-rays between May 6 and May 12.  At the present time, PEM energy 
deposition is not being generated due to failures in the inversion code.  
These are currently being examined.

     The PEM spectrometers continue to be active under PMON control*.  At the 
present time, PEM energy deposition is not being generated.  Recent data 
configuration changes have affected PEM software causing multiple failures.  
These failures are being reviewed by the PEM team.  In order to correct for new 
telemetry requirements, PEM will need to update processing code with a patch 
delivery.  Updated HEPS calibration parameters were finalized and are ready for 
delivery.  Updated MEPS quality calibration files were finalized and are ready 
for delivery.  Level 3 software errors, discovered by Dr. Dean Pesnell, have 
been fixed; his suggestions have been incorporated with in the PEM production 
code.  Both updated HEPS and MEPS calibration data, along with the Level 3 
code changes, will influence the in-situ energy deposition predictions, so new 
versions of PEM energy deposition Level 3 files will be generated.

*Beginning of power orbit day (PEM activation): array current >5 amps, array 
     voltage >53.5 volts, and battery current >2.0 amps.  
 End of power orbit day (PEM deactivation): time in power orbit day >4 minutes,
     array current <9 amps, and battery currents <0.2 amps.
 Power orbit day variation: ~39-40 min at yaw to ~50-51 min at maximum beta.


Nothing received.


Nothing received.


Nothing received.


WINDII's last operating sequence was May 19-30, and operations
were normal. The next sequence planned is for June 18-26, when
the objective will be to observe Polar Mesospheric Clouds in
the northern polar summer. 


The MPG attended the UARS Science Team Meeting held this week 
in conjunction with the AGU meeting in Washington, DC.

Processing of instrument Daily Activity Plans continues with no 
problems. We are continuing to assist the Project Scientist in 
scheduling of instrument operations. 


CDHF participated in  CSOC ISO AUDIT 24-MAY-2000.

Data received and cataloged at the CDHF in the month of March 2000 has been
loaded into the DAAC Transfer Tables for HALOE, NMC, and UKMO.

Confirmation received from DAAC that MLS V4 LEVEL 3AT, ICE_SATURAT (UTH)
UARS DAY 7 - 2103 were all successfully ingested and archived into the
DAAC System 23-May-2000.  The data is available for users to order.

The CDHF will load April 2000 current day DAAC data in June 2000.
-  Successful processing on Rehost System:
   Attitude Extraction, Observatory Log, Sensor Extraction, HALOE, MLS,
   SUSIM, Solstice, WINDII and HRDI. This completes current day processing
   suites that run on ALPHA. HRDI will be notified of location of test results
   for validation purposes.
- In the next two weeks we will be doing system test (l0,nrt,production
  processing, daac xfers, rac xfers, correlative ingests etc).                

                                   REPORTING PERIOD

This report covers 20 May 2000 (Orbit 47492, GMT Day 141) through 26 May 2000 
(Orbit 47597, GMT Day 147).

                                 SPACECRAFT OPERATION

The observatory is now in Forward Flight (Southern Hemisphere viewing) and is 
performing nominally under two-battery operations.  The instrument operational 
changes were:

                            INSTRUMENT OPERATIONAL CHANGES

                Instrument     Time       Orbit     Comment
                PEM          141/0011     47492     AXIS-1 On
                HRDI         141/1433     47501     On
                HALOE        144/0018     47537     On

The beta angle ranged between the angles of 67.3 degrees to 39.7 degrees for 
this report period.  The beta angle is now decreasing toward a minimum angle of 
+0.0 degrees on 05 June 2000 (DOY 157).

Spacecraft battery 1, 2, and 3 performance monitoring continues.  Battery 1 
remains OFF the charge relay.  Battery 2 and Battery 3 are currently 
maintaining greater than 23.8 V end-of-night (EON) load bus voltage.  Battery 
temperatures are stable with a temperature delta between Battery 2 and Battery 
3 of 0.7 to 1.0 degrees C.  Additional battery performance data for each 
battery on 19 May 2000 and 26 May 2000 are provided in Appendix D.

The clock error ranged from -10.8 to 11.4 msec during this report period.  
Clock rate adjustments are listed in Appendix C.

All instrument and subsystem engineers were advised on the initial excursion of 
ALERTS or Out-Of-Limits conditions detected by the FOT for this report.  A 
summary is listed below and the details of ALERT and Out-Of-Limits occurrences 
are listed in Appendix B.

%     OUT-OF-LIMITS  =  04
%     ALERTS         =  01 

The following real-time command sheets were executed for the listed operational 
element(s) during this report period (see Appendix A).

%     FOT            =  16
%     HALOE          =  01
%     HRDI           =  01
%     PEM            =  01
%     SUSIM          =  01

UARS Anomaly Reports initiated during this report period are listed in Appendix 
E and summarized below.

%     FOT            =  02

Three (3) Anomaly Reports remained OPEN at the end of this report period (see 
Appendix E).

- Transponder A:  00/091  -  2287.496948
- Transponder B:  00/091  -  2287.499113

                             GROUND SYSTEM OPERATION

Two (2) operational support problems occurred this period.  Anomaly Reports are 
included in Appendix E.

The data loss calculations supplied by Data Capture Facility (DCF) from mission 
start through UTC Day 00/146 show the observatory data loss to be 295 hours, 38 
minutes, 10.561 seconds (an increase of 0 minutes 0.00 seconds since the last 
report period).  This is a 0.40 percent data loss which equals a 99.60 percent 
data capture for the mission.

                             OTHER SIGNIFICANT EVENTS
                             UARS SATELLITE OPERATIONS

The FOT continues to test the new TMONs on the simulator.  Once the TMONs have 
been thoroughly tested, they will be presented for review and approval before 

The FOT has begun writing the online procedure for safehold should it happen 
before the new TMONs are in place or during and OBC halt.  This procedure will 
be tested on the simulator and put online for immediate execution should an 
anomalous condition take place.

None this report period

                           FUTURE SIGNIFICANT EVENTS

The next UARS Yaw slew is scheduled for June 05, 2000 (DOY 157).  This maneuver 
will be a Forward to Reverse Flight maneuver (Northern Hemisphere viewing).

Attachments:  Appendix A,  Real-time Commands Sheets
              Appendix B,  Out-Of-Limits & ALERT Occurrences
              Appendix C,  Clock & Solar Array Rate Corrections
              Appendix D,  UARS Battery Performance Data
              Appendix E,  UARS Anomaly Reports

                                     APPENDIX A
                              REAL-TIME COMMAND SHEETS
                              Week ending 26 May 2000

   ORBIT     AOS        NO.       SUBSYS     REASON
   -----     ---        ---       ------     -------
   47492     141/0011   00-224    PEM        AXIS 1 Power ON
   47496     141/0654   00-217    NBTR       PLAYBACK
   47501     141/1433   00-223    SUSIM      SUSIM CMD
   47501     141/1433   00-225    HRDI       Power ON FULL-TIME
   47511     142/0603   00-217    NBTR       PLAYBACK
   47521     142/2232   00-226    OBC        Clk Adj 20.6 to 0.00 msec/day
   47533     143/1759   00-227    ATC        NBTR NOOPS D129
   47537     144/0018   00-228    HALOE      Power ON
   47543     144/0850   00-227    NBTR       PLAYBACK/NOOPS
   47548     144/1801   00-229    NBTR       NBTR NOOPS
   47548     144/1801   00-230    OBC        Clk Adj 0.00 to 20.6 msec/day
   47557     145/0712   00-229    NBTR       NBTR NOOPS D145
   47558     145/0854   00-229    NBTR       PLAYBACK
   47565     145/2055   00-231    NBTR       NBTR NOOPS D146
   47571     146/0608   00-231    NBTR       NBTR NOOPS D146
   47573     146/0857   00-231    NBTR       PLAYBACK
   47573     146/0937   00-232    OBC        Clk Adj 20.6 to 0.00 msec/day
   47578     146/1805   00-233    NBTR       NBTR NOOPS D147
   47586     147/0606   00-233    NBTR       NBTR NOOPS D147
   47593     147/1807   00-234    NBTR       NBTR NOOPS D148


                                     APPENDIX B
                         OUT-OF-LIMITS & ALERTS OCCURRENCES
                             Week ending 26 May 2000

The following Out-Of-Limits occurrences were detected:
   MNEMONIC         STATE       DESCRIPTION             ORBITS
   ---------        -----       ------------            ------
   HRRADTEMP        Y-HI        RADIATOR TEMP           47495
   HRPTSBARTEMP     Y-LO        HRDI BARREL TEMP        47492-506
   SOSGTEVLTG       Y-HI        SOLS G-TUBE VOLTAGE     47516

The following ALERT occurrences were detected:

   MNEMONIC                     DESCRIPTION             ORBITS
   ---------                    ------------            ------
   SSCMDERR                     SSPP CMD ERROR          47502

                                     APPENDIX C
                        CLOCK & SOLAR ARRAY RATE CORRECTIONS
                              Week ending 26 May 2000

                           CLOCK DRIFT RATE ADJUSTMENTS

   ORBIT         TIME                           CLOCK RATE CHANGE
   -----         ----                           -----------------
   47521         142/22:35 (21 May 00)          from 20.6 to 0.00 msec/day
   47548         144/18:20 (23 May 00)          from 0.00 to 20.6 msec/day
   47573         146/09:40 (25 May 00)          from 20.6 to 0.00 msec/day


                                     APPENDIX D
                            UARS BATTERY PERFORMANCE DATA
                               Week ending 26 May 2000

     19 May 2000 - GMT Day 140 Beta = 67.3 deg, SA Pos = 269 deg

      DIFF V (mV)    TEMP (C)      CURR (amp)    EON V   AVE C/D    AVE
BAT   MAX/MIN        MAX/MIN       MAX/MIN       MIN     RATIO      DOD(%)
---   -----------    ----------    ----------    ------  -------    ------
1     +11.2/-5.6     -3.68/-4.62   +0.0/+0.0     15.8    0.000      0.0
2     +16.8/-11.2    +3.87/+2.92   +23.2/-14.4   27.5    1.070      16.5
3     +16.8/-22.4    +2.92/+1.97   +22.4/-13.6   27.5    1.068      16.0

     26 May 2000 - GMT Day 147 Beta = 39.7 deg, SA Pos = 269 deg

      DIFF V (mV)   TEMP (C)       CURR (amp)     EON V   AVE C/D   AVE
BAT   MAX/MIN       MAX/MIN        MAX/MIN        MIN     RATIO     DOD(%)
---   -----------   ---------      -----------    ------  -------   ------
1     +16.8/+0.0    -3.05/-4.31    +0.0/+0.0      15.7    0.000     0.0
2     +39.2/-33.6   +5.79/+4.51    +28.4/-15.2    24.6    1.030     21.8
3      +22.4/-44.8  +5.15/+3.55    +27.6/-16.0    24.6    1.028     21.6

                 V/T LEVEL CHANGES
          ORB#       TIME            LVL FR-TO
          -----      ----------      ----------
                     no changes      V/T 5

                                     APPENDIX E
                                UARS ANOMALY REPORTS
                               Week ending 26 May 2000

                            NEW ANOMALY REPORTS GENERATED
  ------     ------     -----     ----        ---       -----------------
  00-021     FOT        47510     142/0514    14170     Generic Late Acq
  00-021     FOT        47588     147/0900    14170     Generic Late Acq

  ------     ------     -----     ----        ---       -----------------
              -None this report period

  ------     ------     -----     ----        ---       -----------------
              -None this report period

                                 OPEN ANOMALY REPORTS
  ------     ------     -----     ----        ---       -----------------
  99-064     FOT       44135     10/8-9/99    N/A       HRDI Cal Lamp Errors
  99-071     FOT       44398     299/1212     21512     TPF Not Receiv 512
  00-007     FOT       see list  May 00       14170     Generic Late Acq.
