UARS Weekly Status Report

1 April 2005


                UARS WEEKLY STATUS REPORT - 01 APR 2005



Nothing received.


SUSIM was turned off all of this week.


Nothing received.


Nothing received.


Nothing received.


Nothing received.


The MPG continues to serve as the point-of-contact for UARS
instrument operations in support of the Science Traceability
Mission of UARS.

Daily processing of instrument Daily Activity Plans continues
with no problems.


Nothing received.

                           REPORTING PERIOD

This report covers 19 March 2005 (Orbit 73994, GMT Day 078) through 
25 March 2005 (Orbit 74098, GMT Day 084).

                         SPACECRAFT OPERATION

The observatory is now in Forward Flight (Southern Hemisphere viewing)
and   is  performing  nominally  under  two-battery  operations.   The
instrument operational changes were:


       Instrument    Time          Orbit     Comment
       PEM           079/1957      74020     ZEPS/NEPS DAY ONLY TO OFF
       SUSIM         079/2142      74021     POWER OFF
       SOLSTICE      079/2204      74022     FULLTIME TO DAY ONLY

A Reverse-to-Forward Yaw Around maneuver (number 138) was successfully
executed in Orbit 74035 beginning 080/ 20:02:25Z and completing at
080/ 20:39:35Z on 21 March 2005.  All instruments were in their off or
standby mode (except for SOLSTICE in day-only).  Due to the SA
position at 269 degrees, the effective night length of the spacecraft
after the maneuver was approximately 55.71 minutes.  Post maneuver
analysis of data indicate that during the Yaw Around, the end-of-night
load bus voltage was 26.24 volts and the average depths of discharge
(DODs) on Batteries 2 and 3 were approximately 20.74 and 18.52 percent
respectively.  The next (forward-to-reverse) YAW is scheduled for 29
April 2005 (DOY 119).

The beta angle ranged between the angles of 12.4 degrees to 13.5
degrees for this report period.  The beta angle is now increasing
towards a maximum angle of 65 degrees on 09 April 2005 (DOY 099).

Spacecraft battery 1, 2, and 3 performance monitoring continues.
Battery 1 remains OFF the charge relay.  Battery 2 and Battery 3 are
currently maintaining greater than 23.6 V end-of-night (EON) load bus
voltage.  Battery temperatures are stable with a temperature delta
between Battery 2 and Battery 3 of 7.05 to 6.31 degrees C.  Additional
battery performance data for each battery on 18 March 2005 and 21
March 2005 are provided in Appendix D.

The clock error ranged from 10.4 to -10.3 msec during this report
period.  Clock rate adjustments are listed in Appendix C.

All instrument and subsystem engineers were advised on the initial
excursion of ALERTS or Out-Of-Limits conditions detected by the FOT
for this report.  A summary is listed below and the details of ALERT
and Out-Of-Limits occurrences are listed in Appendix B.

    OUT-OF-LIMITS  =    00
    ALERTS         =    00

The following real-time command sheets were executed for the listed
operational element(s) during this report period (see Appendix A).

    FOT       =    09
    PEM       =    04
    SUSIM     =    01
    SOLSTICE  =    01
    MLS       =    02
    HRDI      =    03

UARS Anomaly Reports initiated during this report period are listed in
Appendix E and summarized below.

    FOT       =    03

Four (4) Anomaly Reports remained OPEN at the end of this report period
(see Appendix E).

                        GROUND SYSTEM OPERATION

Three (3) operational support problems occurred this period.  Anomaly
Reports are included in Appendix E.

The data loss calculations are no longer being supplied by Data
Capture Facility (DCF).

                       OTHER SIGNIFICANT EVENTS

                       UARS SATELLITE OPERATIONS

This week the FOT continued to monitor the batteries closely.  On
Saturday evening PEM was scheduled to go from day-only to off at the
change of GMT day.  The FOD was told to notify the lead engineer prior
to executing this due to the recent VT change.  The FOD informed the
lead that from the realtime plots the differential appeared to
climbing on battery 2 during the daytime portion of the orbit.  This
is an indication that the battery is being overcharged, so the FOD was
told to leave PEM on until the next day and then it would be

Then on Sunday the FOD informed the lead that differential voltage was
now climbing during end of night, so the PEM turn off was executed.
Unfortunately, the FOD did not execute the second half of the
procedure and PEM was left on fulltime as a result.  This caused the
differential on battery 3 to go from approximately -230 to -500 mV in
one orbit.  The mistake was finally found on night shift that night by
the FOD and the situation was corrected.  The differential then
stabilized after several orbits until a few orbits before the yaw on
the next day.  At that time, it began working its way back up to -500
mV and the FOT was poised to command VT-8, but on the two orbits
before the yaw the differential went back down to -300 mV, so we
remained in VT-7 for the yaw.

The yaw was executed successfully, but the two orbits after the yaw
yielded battery 3 differential voltages of -593 and -694 mV
respectively.  After this second orbit the MPS was commanded to VT-8.
The spacecraft remained in this configuration over night and was not
put back into VT-7 until approximately 081/2000 GMT, due to a max
battery 2 temperature of 14.76C.

The batteries remained in VT-7 most of the week with only one other
short stint of VT-8 from the 083/0047 event until the 083/0537 event.
Then on Friday evening right after the change of the GMT day 085/0027
the MPS was commanded to VT-6 due to excessive C/D ratios on battery
2.  This caused the differential voltage on battery 3 to max out the
telemetry value at -700 mV.  The change in philosophy came from the
power branch meeting that morning, in which they stated that the
batteries should be operated at the level best for battery 2 and no
longer should battery 3 differential be chased.  The FOT ended the
week in this configuration and will continue to monitor the batteries
closely over the weekend.

In the meantime, the FOT has begun to put together a plan to get the
solar array drive moving again.  This would reduce the spacecraft
night duration by approximately 20 minutes and alleviate the high
battery 3 differential voltage seen at end of night.

Also this week, software development successfully installed the new
CMS software on the prime CMS.  This gives UARS the capability to
properly schedule SMA events.  UARS will begin using this
functionality starting on 28 March 2005.  However, given the current
battery issues all nighttime events will be terminated early and no
instruments will be turned on until the battery performance has


The FOT held several meetings this week with the NASA Mission
Director, UARS project scientist and NASA power branch to discuss the
current battery situation and the future of UARS operations.

                       FUTURE SIGNIFICANT EVENTS

The next UARS Yaw slew is scheduled for 29 April 2005 (DOY 119).  This
maneuver will be a Forward to Reverse Flight maneuver (Northern
Hemisphere viewing).

Attachments:   Appendix A,      Real-time Command Sheets
               Appendix B,      Out-Of-Limits   &   ALERT  Occurrences
               Appendix C,      Clock &  Solar  Array  Rate  Corrections
               Appendix D,      UARS Battery Performance Data
               Appendix E,      UARS Anomaly Reports

                              APPENDIX A
                       REAL-TIME COMMAND SHEETS
                       Week ending 25 March 2005

ORBIT   AOS        NO.      SUBSYS      REASON
-----   ---        ---      ------      ------
74020   079/1957   05-075   PEM         PEM ZEPS/NEPS DAY ONLY TO OFF
74021   079/2142   05-076   SUSIM       POWER OFF
74022   079/2204   05-077   SOLSTICE    FULL TO DAY ONLY
74023   080/0033   05-078   MLS         DISABLE PMON ACTIONS FOR HEATERS
74026   080/0503   05-079   PEM         ZEPS/NEPS OFF
74033   080/1658   05-080   MLS         DISABLED MLS BACKUP HEATERS
74035   080/1911   05-081   OBC         DISABLE TMON #8
74036   080/2144   05-082   OBC         YAW AROUND MANEUVER SCRIPT
74038   081/0041   05-083   MPS         VT LEVEL 8
74039   081/0120   05-084   OBC/CLK     CLK ADJ FR 0.0 TO -20.6 MSEC/DAY
74050   081/2001   05-085   MPS         VT LEVEL 7
74059   082/1014   05-086   OBC         CLK ADJ FR -20.6 TO 0.0 MSEC/DAY
74068   082/2327   05-087   MPS         VT LEVEL 8
74071   083/0537   05-088   MPS         VT LEVEL 7
74074   083/0939   05-088   MPS         BATSOC
74083   083/2324   05-089   OBC/HRDI    NOOP HRDI DAY ONLY
74094   084/1707   05-090   HRDI        POWER ON TO DAY ONLY
74095   084/1951   05-092   PEM         PEM HTR ON/OFF
74096   084/2107   05-091   PEM         POWER ON TO DAY ONLY
74097   084/2248   05-094   PSU/MPS     HRDI, PEM OFF & VT-6
74097   084/2248   05-093   HRDI        HRDI ERR CLEAR

                              APPENDIX B
                       Week ending 25 March 2005

The following Out-Of-Limits occurrences were detected:

--------       -----   -----------                ------
-None this report period.

The following ALERT occurrences were detected:

MNEMONIC     DESCRIPTION                          ORBITS
--------     -----------                          ------
-None this report period.

                              APPENDIX C
                       Week ending 25 March 2005


ORBIT          TIME                   CLOCK RATE CHANGE
-----          -----                  -----------------
74039          081/                   CLK ADJ FR 0.0 TO -20.6 MSEC/DAY
74059          082/                   CLK ADJ FR -20.6 TO 0.0 MSEC/DAY

                              APPENDIX D
                       Week ending 25 March 2005

     18 March 2005 - GMT Day 077 Beta = 14.4 deg, SA Pos = 269 deg

     DIFF V (mV)    TEMP (C)      CURR (amp)  EON V    AVE C/D  AVE
BAT  MAX/MIN        MAX/MIN       MAX/MIN     MIN      RATIO    DOD(%)
---  -------        --------      ----------  -----    -------  ------
1   -700.0/-700.0  -2.42/-4.31   +00.0/+00.0  07.0     0.00      0.0
2    336.0/  84.0 +10.74/+7.09   +24.0/-12.8  27.0     1.10     18.6
3    -33.6/-140.0  +6.11/+3.87   +21.6/-11.2  27.0     1.07     16.9

     25 March 2005 - GMT Day 084 Beta = 13.5 deg, SA Pos = 269 deg

     DIFF V (mV)    TEMP (C)      CURR (amp)  EON V    AVE C/D  AVE
BAT  MAX/MIN        MAX/MIN       MAX/MIN     MIN      RATIO    DOD(%)
---  -------        --------      ----------  -----    -------  ------
1   -700.0/-700.0  -2.11/- 3.05  +00.0/+00.0  06.9     0.00      0.0
2    212.8/  89.6 +13.49/+12.10  +29.6/-14.8  26.7     1.14     18.6
3     00.0/-593.6  +6.44/+ 5.79  +24.0/-11.2  26.6     1.07     16.1

ORB#           AOS TIME   LVL FR-TO
-----          --------   ---------
74038          081/0041   LV7 -> LV8
74050          081/2001   LV8 -> LV7
74068          082/2327   LV7 -> LV8
74071          083/0939   LV8 -> LV7
74097          084/2248   LV7 -> LV6

                              APPENDIX E
                         UARS ANOMALY REPORTS
                       Week ending 25 March 2005

------  ------  -----  ----      ---    -----------------
05-020  PEM     74026  080/0503  N/A    ZEPS/NEPS turned off
05-021  MPS     74038  080/2332  N/A    BAT 3 DIFFV -694 R-HI
05-022  OBC     74083  084/0041  N/A    S/W Stored Cmd Error

------  ------  -----  ----      ---    -----------------
05-015  MPS     73895  071/1606  N/A    PMON grp 31/PMON act 21 trip
05-016  FOT     73926  073/1348  N/A    Data dropout; bad weather@Guam
05-017  FOT     73926  073/1423  38922  Data dropout; IP-NOC linework
05-018  FOT     73930  073/2043  N/A    PMON grp 31/PMON act 22 trip

------  ------  -----  ----      ---    -----------------
-None this report period.

                         OPEN ANOMALY REPORTS
------    ------    -----     ----      ---       -----------------
05-012    FOT       See List  Mar 05    30832     Generic Late Acquisition
05-020    PEM       74026     080/0503  N/A       ZEPS/NEPS turned off
05-021    MPS       74038     080/2332  N/A       BAT 3 DIFFV -694 R-HI
05-022    OBC       74083     084/0041  N/A       S/W Stored Cmd Error