UARS Weekly Status Report

27 March 1998


                UARS WEEKLY STATUS REPORT - 27 March 1998



SOLSTICE continues to operate normally, collecting solar data on all
available orbital tracking periods and stellar calibration observations,
whenever possible.


SUSIM successfully gathered its normal solar, offset, and occultation
scan data this week without apparent problems.


Nothing received.


HALOE was powered off at the end of day on March 25, 1998.  All engineering
parameters were nominal prior to turning off and the science data products
continue to be of excellent quality.


MLS was reactivated successfully on Mar 26, in the reduced 85 watt power mode.
MLS instrument operations have continued flawlessly.  MLS is scheduled to
operate through Mar 29.


HRDI is operating.  Scheduled shutdown is March 27.  Next turn on will be
April 5.


The following papers were presented during March 16-20, 1998 at the
International Symposium on Dynamics and Structure of the Mesopause
Region (DYSMER), held at the Uji campus of Kyoto University, and
organized by the Radio Atmospheric Science Center, with co-sponsorship
by a number of organizations. 

1. M.G. Shepherd, C. Gardner, B. Prawirosoehardjo, S.-P. Zhang and B. Solheim
   Planetary scale and tidal perturbations in mesopheric temperature
   observed by WINDII

2. W.E. Ward
   Energy and constituent budgets near the mesopause: the implication
   of observations of large scale variability in the airglow

3. G.G. Shepherd, S.-P. Zhang and D.-Y. Wang
   Variability in mnesosphere/lower thermosphere dynamics and 
   species concentrations observed by WINDII

There were a number of other papers using or making reference to
HRDI, WINDII and other UARS data. Thus while the coincidence with 
the Science Team meeting was unfortunate, the significant contributions 
of UARS to mesospheric science were clearly recognized, and the overall
result was very beneficial to the community. 


Routine processing of instrument Daily Activity Plans continues
with no problems.  The MPG continues to assist the Project
Scientist with the scheduling of instrument operations.


The CDHF performed the UARS facility power down and power up for the
building 23 power outage during the 03/20/98 - 03/23/98 period. No significant
problems occurred during the power up. The cluster was up and operational at
approximately 09:30AM local time.

   The CDHF implemented CMS-RAC-MPG communications with Multinet during the
outage period. The CDHF worked with CMS, MPG and RAC Instrumentors to
communicate directly with MPG and CMS in Building 32, without routing through
Building 23. Also, all RAC transfers were successfully transmitted prior to
system power down.
The CDHF has received a total of 380 CD-ROM requests as of 27-March-1998.
There was one order received and shipped.

The CDHF processed current day data through level 3 for all active
 instruments. Additionally, CDHF personnel reprocessed: (R)= Requested
   (C) = Complete, (F)= Failed  (L) = Days remaining to reprocess.          
                  20 days PEM (3.32) PROD (1379R-1049C=330L)
                  84 days MLS (4.90) PROD (1297R-1139C-17F=141L)
                   9 days CLAES (7.0) ENG (38R-33C=5L)
                   0 days HAL (4.80) ENG  (4R-4C=0L)
The CDHF loaded January 1998 current day DAAC data.
Pending software upgrades: IDL 5.0, OpenIngres, UCSS.


This report covers 13 March 1998 (Orbit 35540, GMT Day 073) through 20 
March 1998 (Orbit 35644, GMT Day 079).


The observatory is now in Forward Flight (Southern Hemisphere viewing) and 
is performing nominally under two-battery operations.  The instrument 
operational changes were:


     Instrument      Time      Orbit   Comment
      HALOE      074/0544     35558     Off
       HALOE      074/0722     35559     On
       HALOE      075/1505     35579     Off
       HALOE      075/1649     35580     On
        MLS       075/2333     35584     Off
       ACRIM      076/0046     35585     On
        HRDI      076/0046     35585     On
       SUSIM      076/1321     35593     On

The beta angle reached a maximum angle of 54.5 degrees on 15 March 1998 
(DOY 074).  The beta angle is now increasing toward a minimum angle of 0.0 
degrees on 02 April 1998 (DOY 092).

Spacecraft battery 1, 2, and 3 performance monitoring continues. Battery 1 
remains OFF the charge relay.  Battery 2 and Battery 3 are currently 
maintaining greater than 25.3 V end-of-night (EON) load bus voltage.  
Battery temperatures are stable with a temperature delta between Battery 2 
and Battery 3 of 1.1 degrees C.  Additional battery performance data for 
each battery on 14 March 1998 and 19 March 1998 are provided in Appendix D.

The clock error ranged from -11.1 to +10.4 msec during this report period.  
Clock rate adjustments are listed in Appendix C.

All instrument and subsystem engineers were advised on the initial 
excursion of ALERTS or Out-Of-Limits conditions detected by the FOT for 
this report.  A summary is listed below and the details of ALERT and Out-
Of-Limits occurrences are listed in Appendix B.

%     ALERTS        =     none
%     OUT-OF-LIMITS =     05

The following real-time command sheets were executed for the listed 
operational element(s) during this report period (see Appendix A). 

%     FOT       03
%     ACRIM     01
%     HALOE     06
%     HRDI      01
%     MLS       01
%     SOLSTICE  01
%     SUSIM     02
%     WINDII    01

UARS Anomaly Reports initiated during this report period are listed in 
Appendix E and summarized below.

%     FOT     04

Two (2) Anomaly Reports remained OPEN at the end of this report period.

     Transponder A: 98/041  -  2287.497104
     Transponder B: 98/042  -  2287.499330


Two (2) operational support problem(s) occurred this period. Anomaly 
Reports are included in Appendix E.

The data loss calculations supplied by Data Capture Facility (DCF) from 
mission start through UTC Day 98/078 show the observatory data loss to be 
20 hours, 42 minutes, 16.660 seconds (an increase of 8.576 seconds).  This 
is a 0.0364 percent data loss which equals a 99.9636 percent data capture 
for the mission.

The increase of 8.576 seconds occurred over two days as follows:

7 A 0.224 second loss on Day 073 due to a hit in the transmission line, and
7 A 8.352 second loss on Day 077 due to a MSOCC Telemetry And Command 
(TAC) computer crash.

Building 23 power was removed as scheduled on Friday, 20 March 1998.  No 
problems with the backup planning have been observed.

The FOT supported CNMOS year 2000 testing on 20 March 1998.  The test was 
simple and functioned as a quick Rsmoke testS of the systems.  The modified 
Application Processor (AP) system software with the year set to 2000 was 
used in a UARS data flow configuration.  UTTS data was input to the AP and 
the data appeared satisfactory.  A command was transmitted and a data file 
was pulled from the CMS.  Additional and more detail testing is planned.

No IP testing was executed by the FOT this week.  The FOT plans on 
participating in the forward link IP testing beginning next week.

The FOT is still unable to receive good Q-channel OBC dump data.

Operational processing of level-0 telemetry analysis files continues in 
parallel on both the UMPGAL (new MPG Alpha machine) and CDHF computer 
systems.  File transfer failures (between CDHF and UMPGAL) occurred 3 days 
last week.  The relatively high frequency of file transfer failures between 
UMPGAL and CDHF has probably been due to the numerous reconfigurations of 
the network communication links.  This problem is likely to continue until 
the UMPGAL cluster and network interface configurations are finalized (at 
least one month).  Given the amount of manual effort required to restore 
parallel level-0 processing when the file transfer link fails, it is not 
practical to continue the parallel operating mode until these configuration 
changes are complete.  Therefore, all operational processing of level-0 
telemetry files on UMPGAL will cease until further notice.

The FOT has received (20 March) a request from the NCC Database manager for 
permission to delete several UARS SUPIDENs from the NCC database.  The FOT 
will investigate whether or not the identified SUPIDENs are still necessary 
for UARS operations before permission for the deletions is given.


Work on the upgrade of the OBC Power Monitor (PMON) software continued.  
Software development is now tentatively completed, and the software is 
currently being tested with the UTTS.  Testing was performed successfully 
on Thursday and Friday (19 and 20 March 1998), and all tested features 
worked as expected.  A new database will now be generated to support the 
software, and final testing will be completed when the new database is in 
place.  Generation of the new database is contingent upon operational 
release of the new AP software, which is anticipated this week.

FOT continues to support CNMOS in their efforts to make necessary software 
changes (MSOCC, CMS, DCF, etc.) to support the year 2000 rollover.

Monitoring of the magnetic field model performance continues.

FOT continues to improve a Power Profile for UARS based on the current 
status of the Modular Power System.

FOT continues to support the new UARS ground system re-engineering effort.


No UARS Battery telecon was held this week.  The next telecon has not been 


The next UARS Yaw Around Maneuver is currently scheduled for 02 April 1998.

A second building 23 power outage is scheduled from about 12 pm, 24 April 
1998, until about 12 pm, 27 April 1998.

UARS Flight Operations plans to attend the Program Experience portion of 
the Space Power Workshop at JPL in April 1998.  UARS FOT plans on 
presenting an overview of the UARS batteries and their performance.

The UARS orbit altitude is dropping slowly and a drag makeup orbit adjust 
is targeted for 05 August 1998.



Attachments:  Appendix A,  Real-time Commands Sheets
              Appendix B,  Out-Of-Limits & ALERT Occurrences
              Appendix C,  Clock & Solar Array Rate Corrections
              Appendix D,  UARS Battery Performance Data
              Appendix E,  UARS Anomaly Reports

                               APPENDIX A
                       REAL-TIME COMMAND SHEETS
                      Week ending 20 March 1998

ORBIT     AOS      NO.      SUBSYS      REASON
-----     ---      ---      ------      -------  
35527  072/0255   98-094    WINDII    Power ON
35537  072/1958   98-095    HALOE     Power OFF
35539  072/2319   98-096    HALOE     Power ON
35558  074/0544   98-097    HALOE     Power OFF
35559  074/0722   98-098    HALOE     Power ON
35579  075/1505   98-099    HALOE     Power OFF
35580  075/1649   98-100    HALOE     Power ON
35584  075/2333   98-101    SOLSTICE  Power ON
35584  075/2333   98-102    MLS       Power OFF
35585  076/0046   98-103    ACRIM     Power ON
35585  076/0046   98-104    HRDI      Power ON
35593  076/1321   98-105    SUSIM     Power ON
35593  076/1321   98-106    OBC       RTS 12 reload
35597  076/2013   98-107    OBC       Clk Adj fr 20.6 to 0.00 msec/day
35603  077/0606   98-108    SUSIM     Adjustment
35618  078/0610   98-109    OBC       Clk Adj fr 0.00 to 20.6 msec/day


                               APPENDIX B
                      Week ending 20 March 1998

MNEMONIC      STATE       DESCRIPTION                  ORBITS
---------     -----       ------------                 ------
QTSISAIF     Y-HI     SSPP Baseplate by SISA I/F    35526-77,85-99
SORLBXTMPR   Y-LO     Logic_Box Temperature         35526-77
HATBAT       Y-HI     Bolometer Area Temp           35535-6,78
ACTEMPANA1   Y-LO     Temp PCU Board                35592-600
ACTEMPANA2   Y-LO     Temp Sensor Electronics       35592-97

The following ALERT occurrences were detected:

MNEMONIC                  DESCRIPTION                  ORBITS
---------                ------------                  ------
                  None this report period

                               APPENDIX C
                      Week ending 20 March 1998

                      CLOCK DRIFT RATE ADJUSTMENTS

     ORBIT              TIME                 CLOCK RATE CHANGE
     -----              ----                 -----------------
     35597     076/20:21 (17 Mar 98)     from 20.6 to 00.0 msec/day
     35618     078/06:18 (19 Mar 98)     from 00.0 to 20.6 msec/day


                               APPENDIX D
                      Week ending 20 March 1998

     14 Mar 1998 - GMT Day 073 Beta = 54.5 deg, SA Pos = 269 deg

     DIFF V (mV)     TEMP (C)    CURR (amp)    EON V   AVE C/D   AVE
BAT  MAX/MIN         MAX/MIN      MAX/MIN       MIN     RATIO   DOD(%)
--- ------------   ----------  -----------    -------  -------  ------
1  +728.0/+728.0   -3.05/-4.31   +0.0/ +0.0   18.4    0.000     0.0
2   +56.0/ -11.2   +5.79/+4.51  +25.1/-16.0   25.1    1.020    21.9
3   +84.0/ -11.2   +4.51/+3.23  +24.2/-16.0   25.1    1.022    21.4

     19 Mar 1998 - GMT Day 078 Beta = 48.9 deg, SA Pos = 269 deg

     DIFF V (mV)    TEMP (C)    CURR (amp)    EON V   AVE C/D   AVE
BAT  MAX/MIN        MAX/MIN      MAX/MIN       MIN     RATIO   DOD(%)
---  ------------  ----------  -----------  -------  -------  ------
1  +728.0/+728.0   -3.19/-4.31   +0.0/ +0.0   18.4    0.000     0.0
2   +33.6/ -44.8   +5.79/+4.51  +26.5/-15.7   25.4    1.025    21.9
3   +89.6/ -11.2   +4.51/+3.23  +25.8/-15.8   25.3    1.026    21.2

ORB#   TIME          LVL FR-TO
-----  --------      ----------
          no changes

                               APPENDIX E
                         UARS ANOMALY REPORTS
                      Week ending 20 March 1998

  ------  ------   -----     ----     ---      -----------------
98-011    FOT     35533   072/1314   N/A      TAC Crashed
98-009    FOT     35585   076/0046   14170    Generic Late Acq
98-012    FOT     35595   076/1622   19757    Late Acq
98-013    FOT     35603   077/0606   N/A      TAC Crashed

  ------  ------   -----     ----     ---      -----------------
98-007    FOT     Feb 1998  n/a     14170     Generic Late Acq

  ------- ------   -----     ----     ---      -----------------

                  None this report period