UARS Weekly Status Report

11 February 2000


                UARS WEEKLY STATUS REPORT - 11 FEB 2000



After ending daylight only operations on Tuesday 2/8, we began to again
gather solar data on all available orbital tracking periods and stellar
calibration observations whenever possible. The reduced data return has not
prevented us from meeting all the SOSLTICE science objectives.


SUSIM continues to gather a minimum set of daily solar scans scheduled
for periods of predicted telemetry.


Nothing received.


     The PEM spectrometers continue to be active under PMON control*.  While 
under PMON control, the PEM spectrometers computed energy deposition from 
electrons and protons measured in-situ by the particle spectrometers.

*Beginning of power orbit day (PEM activation): array current >5 amps, array 
     voltage >53.5 volts, and battery current >2.0 amps.  
 End of power orbit day (PEM deactivation): time in power orbit day >4 minutes,
     array current <9 amps, and battery currents <0.2 amps.
 Power orbit day variation: ~39-40 min at yaw to ~50-51 min at maximum beta.


Nothing received.


MLS continues to operate in a mode where limb scans are performed on the day
side of the orbit at ~50N-80N latitudes, with the 205 GHz radiometer on for
measurements of ClO, HNO3 and O3.

All electronics that are on continue to work flawlessly, and no scan slips have
occurred this observing period (since the 31 January 2000 turn on).
Unfortunately, a large fraction of the good limb scans are being lost due to
gaps in the UARS telemetry stream.

MLS is now scheduled to remain on until ~13 February.

The arctic data are being processed at JPL, and the data mapped to the 465 K
potential temperature surface (lower stratosphere) are available from the MLS
web site ( by clicking on "UARS MLS Data" and then on
"UARS MLS arctic observations for 1-10 February 2000."


Nothing received.


Nothing received.


The MLS instrument team asked for additional days of MLS
operation.  Data being received were of excellent quality and
measurements were being made in the 50-80 degree latitude range.
They requested additional days of MLS operation, extending as
long as spacecraft power is adequate for the instrument until the
yaw maneuver on 15 February.  To provide adequate spacecraft
power for MLS, it was necessary to reschedule HRDI to day-only
observations, and to turn HALOE off.  The MPG, along with the
UARS Project Scientist, contacted HRDI and HALOE instrument
personnel so that appropriate changes HRDI and HALOE Daily
Activity Plans could be made.

Routine processing of instrument Daily Activity Plans continues  
with no problems.  The MPG continues to assist the Project 
Scientist with the scheduling of instrument operations. 


The CDHF processed current day data through level 3 for all active
   instruments. Additionally, CDHF personnel reprocessed: (R)= Requested
   (C) = Complete, (F)= Failed  (L) = Days remaining to reprocess.
        18 days WIN (5.11A) PROD (L1-L3)         (520R-391C-14F=115L)
         0 day  SOL (4.62)  PROD (L1)            (9R-0C=9L)
         3 days SEN (5.0)   PROD (1992)          (3R-3C=0L)

The CDHF Continus to process 1992 SENSOR data as requested by FDF.

   -  Successfully processed ATTITUDE EXTRACTION V7.3 Software on
      Rehost System against LEVEL0 data (DAY 3063) ingested from the LZP.

   -  Successfully tested SUSIM V7.2 Patch delivery on Rehost   
      System.  processed same designated day on old system to use as a 
      comparison. SUSIM has validated.

                                    REPORTING PERIOD

This report covers 29 January, 2000 (Orbit 45814, GMT Day 029) through 4 
February 2000 (Orbit 45918, GMT Day 035).

                                   SPACECRAFT OPERATION

The observatory is now in Reverse Flight (Northern Hemisphere viewing) and is 
performing nominally under two-battery operations.  The instrument operational 
changes were:

                               INSTRUMENT OPERATIONAL CHANGES

                  Instrument             Time                Orbit
                     HRDI              029/0836              45734
                     MLS               031/1807              45734
                     ACRIM             034/0107              45743
                     SUSIM             034/0107              45753
                     HALOE             034/1409              45763

The beta angle ranged between the angles of 74.8 degrees to 52.1 degrees for 
this report period.  The beta angle is now decreasing toward a minimum angle of 
3.0 degrees on 15 February 1999 (DOY 046).

Spacecraft battery 1, 2, and 3 performance monitoring continues. Battery 1 
remains OFF the charge relay.  Battery 2 and Battery 3 are currently 
maintaining greater than 23.8 V end-of-night (EON) load bus voltage.  Battery 
temperatures are stable with a temperature delta between Battery 2 and Battery 
3 of 1.0 to 1.3 degrees C.  Additional battery performance data for each 
battery on 28 January 2000 and 04 Febraury 2000 are provided in Appendix D.

The clock error ranged from -13.2 to 6.1 msec during this report period.  Clock 
rate adjustments are listed in Appendix C.

All instrument and subsystem engineers were advised on the initial excursion of 
ALERTS or Out-Of-Limits conditions detected by the FOT for this report.  A 
summary is listed below and the details of ALERT and Out-Of-Limits occurrences 
are listed in Appendix B.

%   OUT-OF-LIMITS    =  04
%   ALERTS           =  00

The following real-time command sheets were executed for the listed operational 
element(s) during this report period (see Appendix A).

%   FOT              =  05
%   MLS              =  02
%   HRDI             =  01
%   ACRIM            =  01
%   SUSIM            =  01
%   HALOE            =  01

UARS Anomaly Reports initiated during this report period are listed in Appendix 
E and summarized below.

%   FOT              =  03

Two (2) Anomaly Reports remained OPEN at the end of this report period (see 
Appendix E).

Transponder A:  00/021  -  2287.496849
Transponder B:  00/031  -  2287.498836

                               GROUND SYSTEM OPERATION

Three (3) operational support problems occurred this period.  Anomaly Reports 
are included in Appendix E.

The data loss calculations supplied by Data Capture Facility (DCF) from mission 
start through UTC Day 00/034 show the observatory data loss to be 565 hours, 15 
minutes, 06.832 seconds (an increase of 5 minutes 6.832 seconds since the last 
report period).

The increase of 5 minutes 6.832 seconds occurred over three (3) days:

01 minutes 17.424 seconds on Day 028 due to an unspecified problem.
03 minutes 08.448 seconds on Day 029 due to an unspecified problem.
00 minutes 40.960 seconds on Day 030 due to an unspecified problem.

These calculations are under repair.  They are being recalculated from the date 
where PASS 2 operations were scheduled exclusively.

                               OTHER SIGNIFICANT EVENTS

                               UARS SATELLITE OPERATIONS

Nominal operations only this report period.


2 February, 2000 (DOY 033) - The Monthly meeting was held.  Charlie Jackman 
contacted all the instrument PI's and confirmed that all wanted to go to 3 
TDRSS operations, if the risk to UARS was less than 10%.

SUSIM was asked whether there quarterly calibrations could be broken into 
smaller pieces.  They didn't think it could be done but they are looking into 
it.  This leads to more discussion about using the recorder on an as needed 
basis instead of continually like the current operations.

4 February, 2000 (DOY 035) - A meeting took place to introduce the new 
simulator sustaining engineer, Adrian Suskind, to the FOT and the facility.  
She is a part of code 582 and will support the simulator entirely.

                                FUTURE SIGNIFICANT EVENTS

The next UARS Yaw slew is scheduled for February 15, 2000 (DOY 046).  This 
maneuver will be a Reverse to Forward Flight maneuver (Southern Hemisphere 

A partial solar eclipse of sun will occur on Saturday, February 5, 2000 (DOY 
036).  The maximum shadow over two orbits will be approximately 40%.  No impact 
to operations is expected to occur.

Attachments:    Appendix A,  Real-time Commands Sheets
                Appendix B,  Out-Of-Limits & ALERT Occurrences
                Appendix C,  Clock & Solar Array Rate Corrections
                Appendix D,  UARS Battery Performance Data
                Appendix E,  UARS Anomaly Reports

                                     APPENDIX A
                                  REAL-TIME COMMAND SHEETS
                                 Week ending 4 February 2000

         ORBIT     AOS      NO.      SUBSYS      REASON
         -----     ---      ---      ------      -------
         45819   029/0836   00-026   HRDI       Safehold - Hi TBAT
         45849   031/0926   00-032   OBC        Clk Adj 41.2 to 20.6 msec/day
         45857   031/1807   00-033   MLS        Power ON
         45871   032/1949   00-034   MLS        Microload 
         45880   033/1046   00-035   NBTR       NBTR NOOPS
         45889   034/0107   00-036   ACRIM      Power OFF
         45889   034/0107   00-037   SUSIM      Power OFF
         45895   034/0934   00-038   OBC        Clk Adj 20.6 to 0.00 msec/day
         45897   034/1409   00-039   HALOE      Power ON
         45901   034/1914   00-040   NBTR       NBTR NOOPS
         45915   035/1817   00-041   NBTR       NBTR NOOPS

                                     APPENDIX B
                           OUT-OF-LIMITS & ALERTS OCCURRENCES
                                 Week ending 4 February 2000

The following Out-Of-Limits occurrences were detected:

         MNEMONIC        STATE     DESCRIPTION          ORBITS
         ---------       -----     ------------         ------
         HRPTSBARTMP     Y-LO      HRDI Barrel Temp     45815-16,20-21,865,66
         HRPTSBARTMP     R-LO      HRDI Barrel Temp     45817-19
         QTZEPSIF2       Y-LO      ZEPS I/F Temp Fwd    45845-51
         QTZEPSIF1       Y-LO      ZEPS I/F Temp Aft    45845-51

The following ALERT occurrences were detected:

         MNEMONIC                DESCRIPTION                ORBITS
         ---------                ------------                ------
           No Alerts to report this report period.


                                     APPENDIX C
                          CLOCK & SOLAR ARRAY RATE CORRECTIONS
                                 Week ending 4 February 2000

                               CLOCK DRIFT RATE ADJUSTMENTS

         ORBIT                TIME                CLOCK RATE CHANGE
         -----                ----                -----------------
         45849           31/09:30 (31 Jan 00)     from 41.2 to 20.6 msec/day
         45895          034/09:45 (03 Feb 00)     from 20.6 to 41.2 msec/day



                                     APPENDIX D
                           UARS BATTERY PERFORMANCE DATA
                                 Week ending 4 February 2000

              28 Jan 2000 - GMT Day 028 Beta = 74.8 deg, SA Pos = 269 deg

      DIFF V (mV)      TEMP (C)  CURR (amp)    EON V      AVE C/D     AVE
BAT   MAX/MIN         MAX/MIN    MAX/MIN       MIN        RATIO       DOD(%)
---   --------        ---------  -------      ------      -------     ------
1    -67.2/-89.6   -2.42/-3.68   +0.0/+0.0    16.2        0.000       0.0
2    +0.0/-33.6    +2.92/+1.66  +16.8/-14.8   27.5        1.057       14.0
3    +44.8/-5.6    +1.97/+1.03  +16.8/-14.4   27.5        1.061       14.5

     04 Feb 2000 - GMT Day 035 Beta = 52.1 deg, SA Pos = 269 deg

      DIFF V (mV)     TEMP (C)    CURR (amp)     EON V    AVE C/D    AVE
BAT   MAX/MIN        MAX/MIN      MAX/MIN        MIN      RATIO      DOD(%)
---   ------------  ----------   -----------    -----     -------    ------
1    -67.2/-89.6  -3.05/-4.62   +0.0/+0.0       16.0      0.000      0.0
2    +11.2/-28.0  +5.47/+4.51   +26.8/-16.0     25.8      1.040      21.1
3    +67.2/-5.6   +4.51/+3.23   +26.0/-16.0     25.8      1.038      20.8

                                   V/T LEVEL CHANGES
                 ORB#                TIME                LVL FR-TO
                 -----               ----------          ----------
                                     no changes          V/T 5

                                     APPENDIX E
                                 UARS ANOMALY REPORTS
                               Week ending 4 February 2000

                               NEW ANOMALY REPORTS GENERATED
     ------    ------    -----    ----      ---     -----------------
     00-001    FOT       45816   029/0416   14170   Generic Late Acq
     00-002    FOT       45820   029/1022   21919   TLM Dropout
     00-001    FOT       45840   030/1902   14170   Generic Late Acq

    AR NO.    SUBSYS     ORBIT     TIME      TTR     PROBLEM/DATA LOSS-                                       
-   -----     --------   -----     ----      ---     -----------------
    00-001    FOT        45816   029/041     14170   Generic Late Acq
    00-002    FOT        45820   029/10      21919   TLM Dropout

    ------    ------     -----     ----      ---     -----------------
                                No new reports generated

                                 OPEN ANOMALY REPORTS
    ------    ------     -----       ----     ---     -----------------
    99-064    FOT        44135    10/8-9/99   N/A     HRDI Cal Lamp Errors
    99-071    FOT        44398   299/1212     21512   TPF Not Receiving 512 