UARS Weekly Status Report

30 January 2004


                UARS WEEKLY STATUS REPORT - 30 JAN 2004



SOLSTICE returned to normal operations last Friday after being in 
day-only mode for the yaw maneuver. Otherwise, we continued to operate 
in good health gathering solar data on all available orbital tracking 
periods. On average, we received 55% of each day's data amounting to 
about 400 minutes of solar observing time per day.


SUSIM successfully gathered all of its daily mid (1.1 nm)
resolution, Mg II, and high resolution monitoring scans
during this past week for periods of UARS real-time telemetry
or onboard tape recording.


     Level 2 PEM HEPSA data files are being reprocessed for submission to the 
DAAC.  This data has been designated as version 2; however, there is no format
difference from the version 1 data format.  Version 2 HEPSA data is being 
generated because it was discovered that there exists processing errors within
some of the HEPSA version 1 data files.  Thus, if you are using any HEPSA
version 1 data files from the DAAC, please replace them with the version 2
data files.  Currently, HEPSA data between 1991274 and 2003149 has been 
reprocessed and archived at the GSFC DAAC.

     Level 2 PEM MEPS data file documentation is complete and submitted to 
the DAAC.  MEPS data files are version 1.  Processed MEPS data files at the 
DAAC archive are between 1991274 and 1993089.  MEPS data files between
1993090 and 1993099 are waiting for DAAC collection.

     PEM continues to receive NMC data files from NOAA.  No problems have
been encountered.  NOAA has changed the binary structure of the NMC data and
PEM is now receiving two data streams, one in the original VAX format and the
other from their new binary format.

     The PEM data from the GUVI conjunction periods may be found at

*Beginning of power orbit day (PEM activation): array current >5 amps, array 
     voltage >53.5 volts, and battery current >2.0 amps.  
 End of power orbit day (PEM deactivation): time in power orbit day >4 minutes,
     array current <9 amps, and battery currents <0.2 amps.
 Power orbit day variation: ~39-40 min at yaw to ~50-51 min at maximum beta.


Nothing received.


Nothing received.


Nothing received.


Nothing received.


The MPG continues to serve as the point-of-contact for UARS
instrument operations in support of the Science Traceability
Mission of UARS.

The MPG attended the 3-TDRSS Operational Readiness Review 
meeting held on 29 January 2004.

Daily processing of instrument Daily Activity Plans continues
with no problems.


Nothing received.

                           REPORTING PERIOD

This  report covers 17 January 2004 (Orbit 67570, GMT Day 017) through
23 January 2004 (Orbit 67675, GMT Day 023).

                         SPACECRAFT OPERATION

The observatory is now in Forward Flight (Southern Hemisphere viewing)
and   is  performing  nominally  under  two-battery  operations.   The
instrument operational changes were:


       Instrument    Time          Orbit     Comment
       HALOE         017/2155      67584     POWER OFF
       HRDI          018/1535      67595     POWER OFF
       PEM           018/2152      67599     POWER OFF
       SUSIM         019/2226      67614     POWER OFF
       SOLSTICE      019/2329      67615     FULLTIME TO DAY ONLY
       SOLSTICE      023/1326      67669     DAY ONLY TO FULLTIME
       SUSIM         023/1614      67671     POWER ON

A Reverse-to-Forward Yaw Around maneuver (number 126) was successfully
executed in Orbit 67626 beginning 020/17:43:39Z and completing at
020/18:20:49Z on 20 January 2004.  All instruments were in their off
or standby mode (except for SOLSTICE in day-only).  Due to the SA
position at 269 degrees, the effective night length of the spacecraft
after the maneuver was approximately 55.43 minutes.  Post maneuver
analysis of data indicate that during the Yaw Around, the end-of-night
load bus voltage was 26.40 volts and the average depths of discharge
(DODs) on Batteries 2 and 3 were approximately 20.27 and 19.69 percent
respectively.  The next (forward-to-reverse) YAW is scheduled for 21
February 2004 (DOY 052).

The  beta  angle  ranged between the angles of 16.8  degrees  to  07.2
degrees  for  this  report period.  The beta angle is  now  increasing
towards a maximum angle of 41 degrees on 05 February 2004 (DOY 036).

Spacecraft  battery  1,  2,  and 3 performance  monitoring  continues.
Battery 1 remains OFF the charge relay.  Battery 2 and Battery  3  are
currently maintaining greater than 23.6 V end-of-night (EON) load  bus
voltage.   Battery  temperatures are stable with a  temperature  delta
between Battery 2 and Battery 3 of 0.63 to 0.64 degrees C.  Additional
battery performance data for each battery on 16 January and 23 January
2004 are provided in Appendix D.

The  clock  error  ranged from 14.4 to -10.5 msec during  this  report
period.  Clock rate adjustments are listed in Appendix C.

All  instrument  and subsystem engineers were advised on  the  initial
excursion  of ALERTS or Out-Of-Limits conditions detected by  the  FOT
for  this report.  A summary is listed below and the details of  ALERT
and Out-Of-Limits occurrences are listed in Appendix B.

    OUT-OF-LIMITS  =    00
    ALERTS         =    00

The  following real-time command sheets were executed for  the  listed
operational element(s) during this report period (see Appendix A).

    FOT       =    08
    HALOE     =    01
    HRDI      =    01
    PEM       =    01
    SUSIM     =    02
    SOLSTICE  =    02

UARS Anomaly Reports initiated during this report period are listed in
Appendix E and summarized below.

    FOT  =    03

Three  (3)  Anomaly  Reports remained OPEN at the end  of  this  report
period (see Appendix E).

                        GROUND SYSTEM OPERATION

Three  (3) operational support problems occurred this period.  Anomaly
Reports are included in Appendix E.

The  data  loss  calculations are no longer  being  supplied  by  Data
Capture Facility (DCF).

                       OTHER SIGNIFICANT EVENTS

                       UARS SATELLITE OPERATIONS

This week a network anomaly was seen which caused intermittent loss of
telemetry and command capability to the UARS spacecraft.  The anomaly
began on the 018/0654 event and did not go away until approximately
018/2011 when the CISCO switches were rebooted.  It then reoccurred on
the 021/0233 event and lasted until approximately 021/0500, once again
clearing after a reboot of the CISCO switches.  A meeting was called
with IPNOC the following day to discuss the possible cause of this
problem and how to resolve it.  IPNOC could not determine the specific
cause of the problem, but requested a few configuration changes that
will help isolate the problem should it reoccur and possibly eliminate
the problem.  They also requested that a ping script be installed on
each some of the devices on the network to help in their analysis.
These changes were made and since the changes, the anomaly has not

Also this week the FOT conducted the end-to-end test of the 3-TDRS
activities.  The simulator was brought up and configured to emulate
the spacecraft, 3-TDRS CMS files were FTPed to Eclipse, and the
install and remove procedures were run at time corresponding to actual
realtime events.  All subsystems were nominal following each part of
the test and the test was a complete success.  This test will be done
one more time on 03 February 2004 with the actual loads that will be
used during the uplink to the spacecraft.


The  FOT  attended  a Network Anomaly Meeting on 21  January  2004  to
discuss  the  problems seen in the previous few  days  and  decide  on
corrective actions to prevent future anomalies.

The FOT attended the UARS 3 TDRS Status Meeting on 22 January 2004  to
discuss  the  status of the remaining activities  and  make  sure  all
parties were aware of their responsibilities prior to uplink.

                       FUTURE SIGNIFICANT EVENTS

The  next  UARS Yaw slew is scheduled for 21 February 2004 (DOY  052).
This  maneuver will be a Forward to Reverse Flight maneuver  (Northern
Hemisphere viewing).

The  UARS 3-TDRS ORR is scheduled for 29 January 2004 (DOY 029).  Also
the 3-TDRS uplink day is scheduled for 04 February 2004 (DOY 035).

Attachments:   Appendix A,        Real-time Command Sheets
               Appendix B,        Out-Of-Limits   &   ALERT  Occurrences
               Appendix C,        Clock &  Solar  Array  Rate  Corrections
               Appendix D,        UARS Battery Performance Data
               Appendix E,        UARS Anomaly Reports

                              APPENDIX A
                       REAL-TIME COMMAND SHEETS
                      Week ending 23 January 2004

ORBIT   AOS        NO.      SUBSYS      REASON
-----   ---        ---      ------      ------
67572   017/0255   04-016   OBC/CLK     CLK ADJ FR 0.0 TO -20.6  MSEC/DAY
67584   017/2155   04-017   HALOE       POWER OFF
67595   018/1455   04-018   OBC/CLK     CLK ADJ FR -20.6 TO 0.0  MSEC/DAY
67595   018/1535   04-019   HRDI        INSTRUMENT POWER OFF
67598   018/2011   04-020   OBC/CLK     CLK ADJ FR 0.0 TO 20.6  MSEC/DAY
67599   018/2152   04-021   PEM         POWER OFF
67611   019/1637   04-022   MPS         YAW: MPSCNFG L5 TO L6
67611   019/1711   04-023   OBC/CLK     CLK ADJ FR 20.6 TO 0.0  MSEC/DAY
67613   019/2043   04-024   OBC/CLK     CLK ADJ FR 0.0 TO -20.6  MSEC/DAY
67614   019/2226   04-025   SUSIM       POWER OFF
67615   019/2329   04-026   SOLSTICE    FULLTIME TO DAY ONLY OPS
67626   020/1709   04-022   ACS         YAW MANEUVER REV TO FWD
67365   021/0749   04-027   OBC/CLK     CLK ADJ FR -20.6 TO 0.0  MSEC/DAY
67641   021/1618   04-022   MPS         MPSCNFG L6 TO L5 (YAW)
67642   021/1842   04-022   MPS         BATSOC (YAW)
67659   022/2125   04-028   SSPP        COMP HTR-17 ON
67659   022/2206   04-028   SSPP        COMP HTR-17 OFF
67669   023/1326   04-029   SOLSTICE    DAY-ONLY TO FULLTIME OPS
67671   023/1614   04-030   SUSIM       POWER ON; PART A

                              APPENDIX B
                      Week ending 23 January 2004

The following Out-Of-Limits occurrences were detected:

--------       -----   -----------                ------
-None this report period.

The following ALERT occurrences were detected:

MNEMONIC     DESCRIPTION                          ORBITS
--------     -----------                          ------
-None this report period.

                              APPENDIX C
                      Week ending 23 January 2004


ORBIT          TIME                   CLOCK RATE CHANGE
-----          -----                  -----------------
67572          017/0259               CLK ADJ FR 0.0 TO -20.6 MSEC/DAY
67595          018/1500               CLK ADJ FR -20.6 TO 0.0 MSEC/DAY
67598          018/2011               CLK ADJ FR 0.0 TO 20.6 MSEC/DAY
67611          019/1717               CLK ADJ FR 20.6 TO 0.0 MSEC/DAY
67613          019/2052               CLK ADJ FR 0.0 TO -20.6 MSEC/DAY
67635          021/0749               CLK ADJ FR -20.6 TO 0.0 MSEC/DAY

                              APPENDIX D
                      Week ending 23 January 2004

     16 January 2004 - GMT Day 016 Beta = 17.5 deg, SA Pos = 269 deg

      DIFF V (mV)   TEMP (C)     CURR (amp)  EON V    AVE C/D  AVE
BAT   MAX/MIN       MAX/MIN      MAX/MIN     MIN      RATIO    DOD(%)
---   -------       --------     ----------  -----    -------  ------
1    -700.0/-700.0 -3.36/-4.63  +00.0/+00.0  07.0     0.00      0.0
2     +39.2/-22.4  +5.79/+4.50  +29.6/-14.4  25.8     1.03     20.6
3     +11.2/-112.0 +4.50/+3.23  +28.8/-14.4  25.8     1.02     20.0

     23 January 2004 - GMT Day 023 Beta = 07.2 deg, SA Pos = 269 deg

      DIFF V (mV)   TEMP (C)     CURR (amp)  EON V    AVE C/D  AVE
BAT   MAX/MIN       MAX/MIN      MAX/MIN     MIN      RATIO    DOD(%)
---   -------       --------     ----------  -----    -------  ------
1    -700.0/-700.0 -3.68/-4.94  +00.0/+00.0  07.0     0.00      0.0
2     +11.2/-44.8  +4.50/+3.87  +28.4/-12.8  26.1     1.03     19.6
3     +11.2/-33.6  +3.23/+2.60  +27.2/-12.8  26.1     1.02     19.0

ORB#           AOS TIME   LVL FR-TO
-----          --------   ---------
-None this report period

                              APPENDIX E
                         UARS ANOMALY REPORTS
                      Week ending 23 January 2004

------    ------    -----     ----      ---       -----------------
04-004    FOT       67589     018/0624  N/A       IP NOCC switch problems
04-006    FOT       67632     021/0233  N/A       Eclipse Hung
04-001    FOT       67665     023/0636  30832     Generic Late Acquisition

------    ------    -----     ----      ---       -----------------
-None this report period.

------    ------    -----     ----      ---       -----------------
-None this report period.

                         OPEN ANOMALY REPORTS
------    ------    -----     ----      ---       -----------------
04-001    FOT       See List  Jan 04    30832     Generic Late Acquisition
04-004    FOT       67589     018/0624  N/A       IP NOCC switch problems
04-006    FOT       67632     021/0233  N/A       Eclipse Hung