This web page's content and links are no longer actively maintained. It is available for reference purposes only. NASA Official: Luke Oman

SRRP Images

UARS maps for February 15, 1993 showing a source gas (CFC-12), a reservoir gas (CIONO2), a radical (CIO), and ozone (O3). The source gas is depleted where the radical and reservoir gases are more abundant. Sustained high levels of CIO will lead to ozone loss. White area indicates no data.

Source Gas


Source Gas map

Reservoir Gas


Reservoir Gas Map



Radical-CIO MAP

Ozone Destruction


Ozone Map

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Web Curator: Monica Todirita, (Science Systems Applications, Inc.) (
Responsible NASA organization/official: Dr. Luke Oman, Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Laboratory

Last modified: March 08, 2017