UARS REFERENCE ATMOSPHERE PROJECT URAPGEN6.TXT Originator: John Remedios Date: 28th July 1999 REVISION NOTES:28TH JULY 1999 Removed errors: should be VARIABLE, UNITS, SCALE_FACTOR and example file should have 10 30 70 followed by -999.9 (as below). 19TH MARCH 1999. Changed REFERENCE_LEVEL to more general form. No implications! Also tidied text. URAP DATA FORMAT ---------------- This note describes the format of UARS REFERENCE ATMOSPHERE PROJECT (V1.0) (URAP) files. Note two changes from the draft format: 1) There is now a provision for bad data values within the file of data. The value flagging such data is given by URAPBAD (commonly set to -999.9). Since URAPBAD is set only once, the same bad values must be used for all variables within this file (but can be different from file to file). 2) Negative values (other than URAPBAD) signify that we have less confidence in such data, for example due to greater interpolation relative to other data values in the file. The reasons for the negative flags are specified in the associated data product description document. In the following section, " " indicates specific statements that are used in the file format. Particular products may require unique statements - contact me as required. "UARS REFERENCE ATMOSPHERE PROJECT" "FORMAT VERSION = 1.0" CREATION DATE ORIGINATOR VERSION_NO PRODUCT REFERENCE_LEVEL BRIEF_DESCRIPTION NO. OF VARIABLES IN FILE (variables could be mixing ratios, variabilities..) REFERENCE_TYPE (type of reference atmosphere e.g. monthly mean, time trends) AXIS_NO (number of axes) AXIS VARIABLES (axis names - in same order as data) NAXIS1 NAXIS2 NAXIS3 (number of entries for each axis variable) LAXIS1 LAXIS2 LAXIS3 (logical flags for axes - see Notes below) SAXIS1 DAXIS1 SAXIS2 DAXIS2 SAXIS3 DAXIS3 (first pt, increment as req'd) (DATA_AXIS1, DATA_AXIS2, DATA_AXIS3) (as req'd - see Notes below) URAPBAD (value assigned to bad data - typically -999.9) -------------------------REPEAT FOR EACH VARIABLE----------------------------- VARIABLE ("MIXING RATIO", "VALUES","VARIABILITY", "SURFACE_AREA") UNITS SCALE FACTOR DATA(AXIS1,AXIS2,AXIS3) e.g. for LNP, LAT, MONTH do the following: for each month, start with first latitude and write all lnp, then next latitude etc. until all latitudes done and then do next month. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Notes ----- REFERENCE_LEVEL = "BASELINE"/"EXTENDED"/"ADDITIONAL"_"STANDARD"/"EXTRAS" REFERENCE_TYPE = "MONTH","YEAR","PROFILE","TIME_TREND" AXIS VARIABLES = Axes for data e.g. "MONTH LAT LNP" or "MONTH EQLAT THETA" CREATION DATE = extended date format e.g. "01-JAN-1997" ORIGINATOR = initials e.g. "JJR" VERSION NUMBER = "0.n" for draft atmospheres LAXIS1 etc. = logical flag for each axis LAXIS = 0 first point, increment specified (SAXIS,DAXIS). = 1 NAXIS values supplied for instead (DATA_AXIS). Next line, SAXIS and DAXIS written for those axes with LAXIS = 0 Following line, DAXIS written for remaining axes (LAXIS=1) Example ------- ----------------------------- START OF FILE ------------------------ UARS REFERENCE ATMOSPHERE PROJECT FORMAT VERSION = 1.0 01-NOV-1997 JJR 0.1 TEMPERATURE EXTENDED_STANDARD 100 mb-10mb; January,March; 10N,30N,70N. Jan=Mar,50K steps in alt,100K in lat. 1 MONTH 3 LNP LAT MONTH 7 3 2 0 1 0 6.90768 -0.38376 1 2 10 30 70 -999.9 TEMPERATURE K 1.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 300.0 350.0 400.0 200.0 250.0 300.0 350.0 400.0 450.0 500.0 300.0 350.0 400.0 450.0 500.0 550.0 600.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 300.0 350.0 400.0 200.0 250.0 300.0 350.0 400.0 450.0 500.0 300.0 350.0 400.0 450.0 500.0 550.0 600.0 ------------------------------ END OF FILE -------------------------